Playing with fire | Teen Ink

Playing with fire

December 3, 2022
By TheGirlWithAStory BRONZE, Zirakpur, Other
TheGirlWithAStory BRONZE, Zirakpur, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Even at times prettiest books have saddest stories.

“You are playing with fire.” He warned me his ocean blue staring into my chocolate brown as he readied his stance.

I smirked, moving slowly in circles around him, playing with my knife. Both of us wanted for other to attack first.

“What? Too afraid to make the first move?” I taunted him now standing still as I chuckled. That seemed to tick him off.

He lunged at me, trying to get a hold of me as I dodged his every attack. Rule 1: Never attack first.

Bringing up my knife, I grazed his left cheek. Blood dribbled down his face which only seemed to fuel his anger. His movements became more frantic as his got blind with his anger.

But soon he caught up with my tactics. He caught my knife threw it away and-


I fell on the ground as he punched my face, hard. Rule 2: Never get distracted.

My lower lip was bleeding. I feigned defeat which caused him to grin.

“Say goodbye girlie.” He said pointing his gun at me as he shot me on the shoulder as I screamed. He readied himself for the final shot.

Rule 3: If facing death face it head-on.

I grabbed a fistful of sand and threw it on his face. He jumped trying to get the dust off his eyes.

I punched him in the gut twice with my working hand causing him to spit out blood as he fell to his knees. Grabbing his gun I shot him on his leg.

He screamed out in pain as blood seeped through his wound like mine. Rule 4: If somebody attacks you never let it go in vain

I grabbed him by collar of his shirt. And whispered in his ear.

“Sweetheart, I rose from ashes you can’t burn me down.” And then I let go him. Walking away from the criminal holding my wounded shoulder.

Rule 5: Save your words for the end.

The author's comments:

I am aspirant writer who loves to write short stories and poetry. 

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