Cave diver; Lone Survivor | Teen Ink

Cave diver; Lone Survivor

November 29, 2022
By Anonymous

Today is the day I, along with my lifelong advocate for cave diving, were called into the ruins of some caves in Madagascar. We received a call from the secretary of their president three days prior, for Jason and me to travel down to Madagascar to explore this cave. The cave was very deep and required a difficult dive in order to get inside. 4 other divers died on this journey, so we had no idea if we would even make it out alive. As we arrived at the cave site we finally realized the long journey ahead. We put on our gear, grabbed our oxygen tanks, and began our way into the cave. It was dark pitch black, with no signs of life--; Just air bubbles and murky brown water. We had no idea where we were going, all we had was a half-completed map that only covered 4 out of the 10-mile-deep cave. This dive would last us a total of 12 hours; With small breaks in between each to change oxygen tanks. On the last stop until our destination, we were able to locate where we were because the faint sound of music began to play, calm but also creepy music. 

Jason also pointed toout a small opening towards the bottom that was surrounded by ancient gemstones, placed there by the old monarchs many years ago. In order to fit through the mysterious hole, Jason and I both would have to take off all of our gear and pass them through the hole to each other. After sucking in all of my organs to fit inside, that’s when I first saw the flute; The magic flute that had been lost many years prior by the ancient monarch family that ruled all of Madagascar. “Jason! Jason! There it is! We found the magic flute!” I shouted, filled with so much excitement; I had never seen anything as beautiful as the flute. It was the only one of its kind which made me feel like I’d been searching for a four-leafed clover. I peek over at Jason as he finally squeezes his legs through the small hole, but the look on his face as he sees the flute was one I’d never seen before. It was as if he was a monopolist looking at a large amount of money for the first time, with nothing but greed and jealousy. We begin to make our way toward the air pocket surrounded by murky water, and skeletons where the flute is located. I stop in my tracks, I could not believe what was happening; Jason and I were the first people to lay eyes on the magic flute since its misplacement by the monarchs centuries ago. Before we do anything else, I point out that we only had enough oxygen for one person to make it back meaning we needed to send an S.O.S. for more supplies. I took a peek at Jason to see if he heard my comment but he was too busy noticing a stained piece of paper placed in front of the magic flute, and he picks it up. As he picks it up and reads it, I reach and pick up the flute, idolizing it as if I had just seen Madonna. It was beautiful; it was a light brown flute, with red, blue, and green gemstones on it. I begin to turn around to show Jason when suddenly I am struck in the back of the head with an oxygen tank. After I was struck, everything just became a blur; I vaguely remember the flute being taken out of my hands the second I hit the floor and the sound of rustling. When I finally gain back my consciousness, I just lay there limp and confused, until I am able to sit back up; That is when I saw Jason. Jason had all of his diving gear back on, and he was attempting to squeeze himself back through the entrance; Taking all of the remaining supplies.


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