Neighborhood Visit | Teen Ink

Neighborhood Visit

October 3, 2022
By lang323t SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
lang323t SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt of going to Greece to meet Giannis. I picture Greece being burnt sienna color everywhere. Bruno Mars just moved in next to me and told me” I got nothing on you.” I pictured myself saying” Ight” but I was scared of saying that. I heard the rain siren come on because it was so stormy, I sprinted inside with my white Nike Air Max. I went to go get food from the fridge and grabbed pulp-free orange juice and the ingredients for french toast. The rain was flooding the neighborhood it felt like hades were giving us a bad time, I decided to go fishing in the water, and I caught a rainbow trout. This felt like the ocean. I saw Christopher Columbus riding his boat down my street and I was flabbergasted he said” hey honey” and as I knew him, I told him “adios.” I started to shiver so I got into my car and turned the heat on full blast. I headed over to the local supermarket and I saw a 5 million dollar scratch-off ticket, I decided to buy it. Scratching off made me so nervous, After the three I see all of them match, and I won the prize it felt like winning a rainy soccer tournament. I decided to put a lot of that money into a hospital where I wish I could work someday.

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