the abandoned high school | Teen Ink

the abandoned high school

September 23, 2022
By Anonymous

Haunted Adventure


One dark Friday night, when two football players decided to sneak into an abandoned high school in town. Justin and Jake tried to convince eight of their teammates to ride along for a hunted adventure. The plan was to sneak in the school, took them a week to plan out precisely. The plan was to go after their Friday night football game, When the day came the guys waiting for the sun to set to be able to execute their mischievous plans. After their game a guy known as Seth stopped them on the way out of the locker room and explained to them how he knew what they were up to. The boys were nervous as to who had snitched them out but quickly Seth explained how he had overheard them planning it out and wanted to tell them he knew how to get in. However, he said explained to the guys how they would enter at their own risk, and he warned them that the school was haunted. The teammates laughed and said, “no way it’s haunted ghosts don’t even exist” laughing at Seth, but Justin and Jake thought it was a good idea to bring Seth along because of his knowledge of how to get in despite them thinking Seth was crazy. That  It was the most haunted school in the state, 5 of them was going but the other 5 was debating if they should go or not the guys that are willing to go are trying to convince them to tag along they keep trying until 4 of them finally agreed but there was one left and they all told him if he was going to go but he didn’t say nothing and left without say nothing they where all confused on why he left so they called him he didn’t answer the call so they  called him one more time and he didn’t answer so they continued to call him until someone answer but there was no one respond. They were all frozen with fear and they didn’t know what to do. They all thought he was possessed, and the group of guys were scarred, and they didn’t know what to do but someone said let’s go find him and everyone said yes so they all left to go find him. They thought that he went to his house, so they checked but when they checked no one was there except his dog so they left and went to go eat because they were all hungry. While eating they were all talking about why he would leave us without saying anything. Justin said I have a feeling that at he would be at the school. Jake asks “why would he be there? Juan replied I don’t know but our friend and we should go help him, agreeing with Juan. On their way to school half of them went to get supplies, half of them went to the school and they were waiting for the other half to get there. It was dark and they had their phones which they use to turn on their flashlight. They can’t see anything, and they are waiting for a little bit until the other half got there. They walk for a mile until they saw a sign of their school. They stop and think what if his not here and one of them said Well we must see. Walking slowly into the school they heard someone screaming inside. Afraid like a cat and they were like this is for our friend and they open the door and all you see is….

Every other school everything is old and there is a lot of graffiti. One of them said, “stay away”, and they looked up and saw there was 108 people dead from suicide. Almost half of them hunt the school. While walking they were looking everywhere to find him, and they were trying to hurry up.  Don’t want to be there and they said while hearing something behind them. Looking and looking there was nothing and while looking closely they saw something moving. They saw something little and it went to the front and saw the front door slammed shut all they heard was “BAM!’ and they jumped and  it was pitch black and they have their flashlights in Justin backpack and he had 4 of them and  they saw everything and now they are thinking on what to do  and they ran to the back and they saw something bright and they pick and they looked at it and they saw him and random people and they think that all of them are possessed, then a couple mins they were flooding and then one of them said I can’t do this and he ran out and he left and the other people that where possessed looked and they started walking towards them and the group of the football team all ran and trying to leave and Justin  tripped and fell to which the rest were left in with fear and confusion as to what to do. They ran back to pick him up; however, they quickly came to realize that he had twisted his ankle. They knew this would slow them down, so they had to leave him behind for them to have any chance at survival. As one of them turned back and watched in terror, the mysterious group of people had taken him.  

The author's comments:

at the abandoned high school 

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