The Doom of Valayaria | Teen Ink

The Doom of Valayaria

September 13, 2022
By Arredondo05 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Arredondo05 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Doom of Valayaria

This is a story of the falling of an ancient civilization named Valayaria and two brothers who made the wrong choices,

Eragon and Kai were not just ordinary brothers. They were the ones with dragons, Eragon begin the oldest and the strongest brother with a dragon named Draco. Kai is the youngest and weakest smallest dragon among them he named his dragon Syraxies. Eragon and Kai are opposite of each other, one good and bad.

On the morning of the hottest summer in Valayaria, Eragon ran to the dragon pit to fly Draco in the sky. As he flew on Draco's back and felt like he was free from any worries of the world, nothing could hold him back. At this moment, Eragon had no idea what was coming, it would be the biggest problem he would have to face. Kai in the morning flew to the highest tower in Valayaria civilization.



Valayaria was built around a volcano where dragons got their power. Kai would use his dark magic to strengthen Syraxies to grow bigger than any other dragon Kai's magic corrupts the volcano. The sky erupted with lava and Eragon, with his dragon, flew where the corruption was happening which was to the highest tower in Valayaria. Eragon made it to the top and found his brother Kai using dark magic to make Syraxies stronger than Draco. Kai was always jealous of his brother being the strongest. Kai was once like a fruit in a time that grew rotten and jealous.

Eragon didn't know what to do to kill his brother or save Valayaria. "If I kill my brother Valayaria will live on but would be killing my flesh and blood my brother whom I loved. What should I do? Should I save the home where I grew up and love or kill the brother I love?” Eragon had no idea what to do he was conflicted to kill his brother to safe Valayaria. Eragon had never made a big decision before to end one life or save millions of lives. At the same time, Eragon didn't have the guts to kill his loved one.


Kai in fury brought out all dark magical arts to strengthen Srayxies Fire breath to kill Eragon. Eragon stood still in shock Kai called out Syraxies fire blaze towards Eragon and fell to his death with Draco. Kai's dark magic corrupts, and the volcano erupts in a huge blaze destroying Valayaria. Kai is dark, evil, and immoral for his pursuit of power devours him. With Kai's new strong powers came consequences. Kai and Syraxies fell with Valayaria to their fiery death.

The author's comments:

We Writhing short stories in class I wanted to write action story about Dragons.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 17 2022 at 5:45 pm
Yairebsor SILVER, Livingston, Montana
5 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Failure is always an option.

I like how they all died in the end but some of your wording was weird. It could use some work, but I love the plot line!