Red Hands | Teen Ink

Red Hands

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

It's a normal day in Pasadena Memorial High school, my good friends Jeffrey, Irma, and I are on our way to third period. Irma sits in front of me, and Jeffrey sits with his other friends. Although we sit apart he always makes jokes from a distance. “Take out your warm ups and copy down what's on the board, after that you are going to begin writing a story of your choice, and I am allowing you to listen to your music, ”said Mrs. Garrett. She never lets us use our headphones but today she made an exception. As everyone reached for there earbuds there was high-pitch screams of terror, like the ones in horror movies.. I immediately felt fear surrounding the atmosphere and my stomach sank. “This is a lockdown announcement,” the principal announced over the intercom, “Everyone get behind my desk quickly and quietly!” said Mrs. Garrett. Jeffrey Irma, and I sat next to each other, on the floor, and in silence with the rest of the class. As Mrs. Garrett barricaded the door, I tried to make contact with my parents but oddly wasn't getting any service. Nobody did, and fear grew more and more. 

“Bang-, Bang-, Bang-” loud banging came from the door, my classmates and I looked up. A man was trying to break in. He, They, It, whatever it is, isn't human. It has pitch black eyes, goo falling from its mouth, and growling. Everyone tried to keep quiet as Mrs. Garret struggled to keep the door closed. She gave all her might but it pried the door open, Mrs. Garrett fell back, it ran towards her in a manic way, and bit her. Mrs. Garrett yelled in pain and the whole class suddenly ran out screaming. Irma and I run out together and lose Jeffrey in the process. We ran downstairs, through the cafeteria, and made it to the side of the school near Irma’s car. “Zelda, Irma!” two voices holler in the distance. “It's Dylan, my brother, and Jeffrey!” I say, but there were zombies following them, ”Hurry! RUN FASTER”. They finally made it to us and we all ran outside to Irma's car. “It's this way,” she says. We all make it to Irma's car and wait as she finds her keys. “Hurry up!” Jeffrey yells, “Hold up, I'm trying to find them!” I walk towards Dylan, hug him very tightly and say “I'm glad Jeffrey found you, I don't know what I'd do if he hadn't.” Me too, have you tried to contact mom and dad?” he says, ”I couldn't get ahold of them, maybe when we get on the road we can get some bars” I say with a fake smile. “I got them!” Irma says, she unlocks the car, I get in the passenger seat, while Dylan and Jeffrey sit in the back. We all look around and see chaos all around. People were running, crying, screaming, being attacked, and many red hands. “ What do we do now?” said Jeffrey, I don't know” Irma said as she turned the car on. I turned on the radio and every station has the same recording.

“This is a broadcast in Texas, If you are hearing this there is a bunker in Washington…” “So we make our way to Washington” I say, “I guess so” Irma shrugs. “What about our family?!” Dylan says, holding back tears. “ I'm sure they're safe right?” Jeffrey says hesitantly. “Yeah” Irma and I say. We both look at each other and give a fake smile. Irma turns on the car and begins driving. We all sit in silence the whole car ride. Thirty minutes pass by and I turn the radio on. 

This time the stations were saying something different. “There are planes taking people to Washington at 3:00 pm on September 7th…” I look at everyone and they all seem elated. “ We should find something to eat before we leave tomorrow for the airport.” Irma says. As we drive around to look for stores we see abandoned vehicles, the world was quiet as a mouse, and no one in sight. “There!” Dylan says pointing at a Dollar Store. “We should go look inside.” Irma parks and we all get out. Our phones still had batteries so we used the flashlights. The store had boxes all around, as well as things on the floor. “Looks like nobody's here,” Jeffrey says. “:ets split up and meet back at the entrance in five minutes,” I say. Me and Dylan go one way and Irma and Jeffrey go another. 

As me and Dylan go down an aisle a zombie pops up and starts attacking me. “AHHH, Get it off me!” I shout. Dylan sprints and tackles the zombie to the ground, I look around for something to hit it with. I found an umbrella and hit it a couple times and it stopped and fell on him. I was too late. “ DYLAN, NO” I say. I get on my knees and hold him, Jeffrey and Irma run to me and see Dylan on the floor struggling to breathe. “We have to go” Irma says, “I can’t just leave him here” I say sobbing. Irma pulls me up, and Jeffrey takes the umbrella and puts it through his head. We walk out , I look down and see my hands. My hands are red as if I dipped them in red paint. The next day came and we made it to the airport. There we see soldiers with weapons. I felt relieved and secure. We got on the plane and all I could think about was Dylan. The whole plane ride I slept to get my mind off of him. We finally made it to Washington and we were taken in military trucks. Once we got there they checked our eyes and temperature. They also checked for bites. Once we were cleared I entered the bunker. I saw so many people and my mom and dad. I ran up to them hugged hugged for a while and explained what happened. Even though I lost my brother, I didn't give up.

The author's comments:

It about zombie apocalypse.

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