Fishy Town | Teen Ink

Fishy Town

September 12, 2022
By elfernandoo BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
elfernandoo BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a beautiful morning like every day in Fishy Town, nobody expected the terrible thing that was going to happen next.”DRAGON!!”. A scream was heard at the entrance of the town. The mayor ran to the entrance”what happen”he asked. “There “ someone says. “AHH!!” the mayor let out a scream. It was there, with sharp teeth like blades, more bigger than two houses, with green scales like emeralds, and powerful eyes.”Hello humans”, the dragon said with a powerful and imposing voice.”you inferior humans, my name is Zienald and I am gonna destroy your town…”, everyone are anxious,” at least you give me five gold coins per person”. Nobody can say anything,”well I am  going to come back for my gold in ten days”. “Wait a moment”,the mayor said with a nervous voice,”there are fifty person in this town, which are 250 gold coins, in ten days we can’t get that amount“. And the dragon said:”That's not my problem’’ and he left.

The next day some went to visit the mayor, he was a nobleman, and he wanted to deal with the mayor.”I’ll buy half of the houses in the town for 100 gold coins”.”I want to accept the deal but sorry, I’ll decide it with the others”. He didn't accept the deal, but the nobleman told him that he was open for deals if the mayor changed his mind.

Later in a meeting with important people in the town such as the mayor or the chief lumberjack.”what we gonna do” said the mayor.”five gold per person is a lot” someone said. They were discussing making a plan to get the 250 gold coins, but there weren't any good ideas.” If we ask for help from the kingdom?”, someone said. “The kingdom isn't going to give us 250 gold coins”, the chief lumberjack said.The mayor said:” a nobleman offered me 100 gold coins for half of the town”.”We can’t do that to our people” the chief lumberjack said.” But with this we can save the town”, the mayor said.”We won’t do that unless we can’t do something else”the chief lumberjack.”And if we hire an adventurer to kill the dragon?”, Someone said.”don’t be silly, an adventurer can’t kill a dragon”, someone said.”, Well, then we’ll try to raise as much money as possible by selling our possessions to the travelers and merchants”.


Days passed and on day nine they had 150 gold coins, but they still needed 100 and they only had one day, so the mayor and the others decided to sell half of the town to the nobleman.

Once the day arrived, everyone decided to wait at the entrance with the money, waiting for the dragon, everyone can feel the solitude of the place. Time passed but no one came. A day passed and the dragon didn't come, everyone wondered what happened to the dragon. A week passed and a merchant arrived and there he told them that the dragon had been killed by an adventurer hired with five gold coins. 

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Afra ELITE said...
on Sep. 14 2022 at 6:43 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

I enjoyed reading this!!! Keep up the good work!!!