The Ghost | Teen Ink

The Ghost

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

After many years of long-term saving and work Jake and his family finally move into their newly purchased home. After one year of living there, strange incidents began to happen more frequently. Things started benign with things going missing, objects shifting from their previous resting place, and strange noises at night were the beginning signs. Jake had a feeling something wasn't quite right around the house, but he ignored it as nothing. Like any other day Jake returned home from work as he always does, dropped his keys on the table, went to do something else, and when he got back to get his keys, his keys weren't where he had originally placed them. This gave him confidence that he wasn't just dreaming. Jake attempted to convince his family that there were strange things happening around the house, but they refused to believe him. So Jake went to the nearest store and bought security cameras so he could finally film the activities around the house. After setting up the cameras, Jake went to bed and the next morning he checked the cameras for any footage relating to strange and unexplainable movements happening around the house. This time he discovered footage that would undoubtedly persuade anyone who was still skeptical. His family was shown his results, but they chose to ignore them. After a while, it seemed as though nothing was occurring, and Jake forgot about the incident. However, when weird events continued, he grew determined to identify the root of these strange occurrences. He started by reading books and thousands of articles, but he was unable to find the answers to his questions about what was happening at his residence. He sought for logical solutions, but he came up empty-handed. Later that evening, after a long day of reading and attempting to unravel the mysteries in his house, a ghost who was the anthesis of good appeared to him revealing that it was himself that was responsible for the odd things happening there. In complete shock and terror, Jake attempted to punch the ghost, but it had no effect on him. Despite his shock, he was amazed and turned to ask the ghost why he was with him in. The ghost calmly replied, telling him it was for the best that they had crossed paths, that he had been chosen by him to assist him with some matters, and that in exchange for leaving the house and ceasing to cause strange occurrences, he would stop haunting it and that he wasn’t there to dawdle his time. Jake thought this was fantastic and offered to help in the hopes that the ghost would depart as he had promised. The ghost instructed him that all he had to do was construct a machine so that he could ascend into the human dimension. Jake agreed to help build the machine even though it seemed like a difficult task. He began by researching on dimensions and building techniques. Once he had a general idea of how the machine would be built, all he needed were the materials to create a device that could assist the ghost in entering the human dimension. After months of diligent work, he was able to build the machine's base; nevertheless, he still required a unique material in order for the machine to function properly and run. By working long shifts at his job, he was able to gather enough money to acquire metals and other materials. Jake decided to ask the ghost for advice on how to make it work because he wasn't sure what was required to trigger the reaction that would turn a ghost into a human. He received from the ghost the supplies he needed to make a fully operating machine.

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