snowboarding | Teen Ink


June 7, 2022
By Anonymous

I remember the day I first went snowboarding down a bright white snow hill.. I remember the day when I first learned how to stop successfully on a snowboard. I remember the day I fell and broke my arm while snowboarding. I was at the top of the snow hill right next to the nice clubhouse on my way down to the beginner's hill with my dad. On our way down we saw a guy that did a flip off a ramp with his snowboard. 

We finally reached the beginner's hill and my dad went down first to give me an example of what I needed to do. When my dad came up he said “you got this son”.

“I hope so” I replied. 

I started going down the hill with joy and was so excited to reach the bottom. I remembered the guy doing a flip and I wanted to try and go off the ramp to get a feel. I reached the hill and said, “hey dad watch this”. 

“What are you doing that’s too dangerous, you are going to hurt yourself” He replied. 

I ignored what he said and went off the hill but, the moment I went airborne, I lost control and landed right on my right arm. The moment I hit the ground I screamed and my arm was bent backward. I knew it wasn’t good the moment I saw my dad’s face. This was the first day I’d ever seen him so worried about something.

 My dad grabbed his phone and dialed 911 as fast as a cheetah would run toward prey. I was laying down on the floor steadily waiting for the ambulance to come. My dad worriedly said, “Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm”.

“Doing the best I can” I replied. 

I was In so much pain, I could scream and make the mountain shake. Finally, the paramedics arrived and took me away to the hospital. The next thing I knew I woke up with a cast on my arm and my parents both patiently waiting for me. Everyone was so worried about my arm but I just wanted to go home and have this day be over already. On my way home I asked my dad, “How bad did my arm look back there”.

“It was completely bent backward and I was so worried about you that I didn’t throw up from seeing It” he replied.

I knew he was telling the truth because my dad always gets sick the moment he sees anything like this. Currently, I am way better at snowboarding than I was before and never had an injury since.


I chose this quick write because I wrote It very early In the semester and It needed a lot of improvement. I used some of the stylistic devices that I was good at using and some I wanted to get better at. I also tried using these specific devices to really try to improve my writing.

The author's comments:

it was nice


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