The Long Journey | Teen Ink

The Long Journey

June 1, 2022
By golfer04 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
golfer04 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Off into the sky, all you could see was bright sunshine and small clouds lay dark spots of shade down the side of the mountain. It all started at the bottom of the mountain. We would soon be taking the long and hard journey all the way up to the top of Denali. We packed up our tents and began racing towards the next camp which would take around 8 hours to get there. We moved very slowly at times when all we had to hold on to was a rope that stretched for hundreds of feet up a steep section. Once we passed the hardest section of the climb I thought what did we get ourselves into? I looked over to my friend and asked just that “what did we get ourselves into”. “I’m not sure, but this is a blast!” he said. With our food supply falling and around two hours left to the next camp, we focused on the task at hand and only took short breaks to breathe in the crisp thin air. We arrived at the next camp just in time to see the sun fall below the peak of the mountain. We set up our tents and enjoyed the rest of the evening talking to others at the camp about their journey up or down the mountain and going to sleep for the night.

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