Wi Fi Man | Teen Ink

Wi Fi Man

April 25, 2022
By Anonymous

 I was having a normal day until someone yelled wifi man had jumped from a building. When he hit the ground he exploded and sent a huge wave through the town where no people had wifi. His spirit went around town haunting everyone who had wifi somehow. He jumped from a At&T building so he always haunts them once he turned off the power. That is his favorite haunt but if you saw him die you can't leave town ever again. The town was never visited because it was feared. Dare devils would come into town and go into the At&T building but none of them were ever seen again.

My town was a miserable place. Not one person was happy but me Because I have never been haunted but today I was pushed down and beat up and then Mrs Wifi jumped from the At&T building she died then there were 2 haunters. So today I was in an alley on my way to work. There was a loud bang! There were sirens and when I woke up there were doctors around me and the doctors were Wifi man and Mrs wifi man. They chained me down and then they brought me to the roof of a building! I realized what building it was by seeing the buildings around it. The building was the At&T building. They undid the chains and brought me to the edge and hung me over 122 floors up.They dropped me I felt like I was almost floating until I hit the ground I heard ringing I thought I was dead and I was.

I could see my Mom and Dad. I could hear the TV of when my Dad died, I could see my dog having a seizure and dieing. I remembered being coped by my Mom. Then I woke up dead and there were so manys ghosts around. Another ghost told me that the reason I'm a ghost is because I have unfinished business and I know exactly what it was my book. I needed to somehow publish my book.

I knew just how to publish my book. There is this teacher that makes you write a book that you can publish and My friend never does his work so I’ll give him my book to turn in. So simple right? No! She knew it wasn't his so I haunted her that night. My amazing daughter will bring in the book and she accepted the book! I was so excited to go to heaven. But guess what I wrote my name on the cover so I had to publish it myself. I tried to kick down the door but I went through it. I walked in. I put the book on the publishing machine and it was published. I saw a bright light and knew I was crossing over to heaven.

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