Old Mans Birthday. | Teen Ink

Old Mans Birthday.

January 20, 2022
By 3mcdowell GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3mcdowell GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today was an old man's birthday. Today he turns 67. His wife begs him to take off work today but he insists and goes to work. His kids try to convince him as well but it just doesn't work. They have been trying to convince him to retire for years but he's not budging. They tell him annoyed “Dad you have enough money for 50 years! Just retire already.” he says “no, if I retire I won't be useful to the world.” but on to work, he goes.

 5 hours later his wife goes to the store and asks for a cake but they don't end up having any. She's on her way to another store, BOOM! She gets rear-ended. The back of her bumper looks like the moon with the dent she has, but she doesn't get the cops involved because it's her husband's birthday and her car still runs. She gets the guy's information and leaves. The store she goes to next has a cake but only one cake left and it's a cookies and cream ice cream cake and her husband HATES cookies and cream anything, he can't deal with the mush-like consistency. So she asks the baker “how long does it take to make a cake?” The baker says “2 hours” so she puts in an order to make a cake. The only issue is, her husband comes back in 3 hours. So if she gets into another accident or something else happens then he will come back before her.

 She goes to Walmart and wastes time buying her everyday stuff. After an hour and half, she gets a call saying her cake is ready. She was so filled with happiness because she doesn't have to be on such a tight schedule. She goes to pick it up and she gets the cake and asks the employee “can you take it to my car please, my day has been pretty unlucky”. so he says “ok.” They hurried to the car and he put the cake in the trunk and said “Have a good day,” she said, “thank you, you too!” 

She goes back to her house to set up the cake but turning out of the store parking lot, from a distance she sees her husband's graphite gray truck. So she is thinking to herself “he must have gotten off of work early.” she speeded on the back roads like she is a Nascar driver but she makes a 90 degree turn and again BOOM! She hits a mailbox. The front end of her car was destroyed and it left a perfect mailbox print on the car. She leaves the scene and pretends as nothing happened. She gets home and her husband gets out of his truck and says “what happened to your car, it looks like it's from the junkyard.” she says “long story” and then they go inside and enjoy their cake.

The author's comments:

this piece was made using the prompt, write something about a workaholic, a cake, and a mailbox.

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