The Strength to Shatter Evil | Teen Ink

The Strength to Shatter Evil

January 20, 2022
By JacobPierce BRONZE, Holland, Michigan
JacobPierce BRONZE, Holland, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A noble knight cuts through the fog
He seeks a legendary blade

By ancient gods, the sword was made
And cast into a cursed bog

A demon lord now rules the land

He hung the king with a rope

But in Ansel’s heart lies hope

And vengeance lies in his hand

He comes upon an earthen maw

A dark wound in the ground

Ansel senses death all ‘round

But his courage has no flaw

Embers from the soldier’s torch

Light his way into the cave

Sent at him, a ghastly glaive

From a skeleton with deadly force

The knight ducked down and parried with flame

The monster’s bones were scorched

A whine echoed from Ansel’s horse

And a cry from him the same

Into the dungeon, our hero strode

His prize emits a heavenly tone

But the blade is stuck in heavy stone

And from the shadows, monsters flowed

He gathered all the strength he could must’

With vigor freed the sacred blade

Called piercing light from demon’s bane

And turned his foes to dust

His prison falls around his feet

The sun broke through the cracks

Onto the floor, vines relaxed

He climbs out, his steed he meets

Destiny is a burdensome load

That only he and his soul can lift

He sets out to mend peace’s rift

And to the demon’s castle he rode


He came unto a great dark palace

Veiled in clouds of storm

When he opened the door, his welcome was warm

From the lord, not a hint of malice

A demon though he appears,

He was here to help, he explained

The old king corrupt, ill-gotten, his fame

The kingdom misplaces their fear

He set out to shatter the dark

But when the demon’s face he met

He had in his eyes a gleam of regret

Made peace not with his sword, but his heart.

The author's comments:

This poem has a great sense of purpose throughout. It features larger-than-life characters and quests. Ancient gods, a legendary blade, an incarnation of evil, I turn to these elements for comfort. Fantasy stories bring me a feeling of meaning and simplicity in a world that is frequently complicated and in which it seems things happen without reason. I enjoy tangible manifestations of good and evil, as though they are certain and important, inherent in existence, as opposed to being a concept made by humanity that is largely subjective.

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