The Verdict was In | Teen Ink

The Verdict was In

January 19, 2022
By Anonymous

The verdict was in… she was guilty. 

Let’s take a step back for a second here to explain. Today at 2:37 in the morning the silent alarm was sounded from the bank on the corner of fourth street. There, a robbery was in progress. From what police were told it went bad when a hostage tried to fight back and shots were fired. 

By the time the police arrived at the scene, they were too late. The robber had gotten away. Even after questioning the witnesses, they had nothing. No idea of who she was. No idea why she needed to rob the bank. No idea where she went. All they did know from the questioning was that it was a woman who did it. 

A sudden call rang out just 40 minutes after the robbery and the voice on the other end was clearly altered but said, “widen the radius of your search by a mere 500 feet and you will find your girl.” This anonymous tip lead the police to believe that within the new area they would find their girl. 

As they were searching the new area they started knocking on some doors to warn the neighborhood of the possible danger. As they did this they spotted a bag that looked awfully similar to the one the robber was seen running away with. When the officers asked to look around the immediate answer was no. Red flag. This is when they knew they caught their girl. They just had to find her hiding spot. 

She was found just a short time later when searching the backyard in the shed and taken to jail. She was held there until her court hearing, and the verdict was in… she was guilty.  Or was she? 

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