Two Men | Teen Ink

Two Men

January 6, 2022
By Anonymous

Two men got out of the car. They walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk. The weather was nice, the sun was shining, and the men had a mission. They opened the trunk and saw a briefcase. The two men were similar in figure and stature, but personality-wise they couldn’t be any more different. Their names were Peter and Steve. Peter was the first one to say, “This is all they wanted to bring, one suitcase?”

“Well, it must be important we should go bring it in,” said Steve. Steve was a serious man. He liked to do things quickly and precisely. His partner, not so much. He preferred to have fun with the job, which usually meant that Steve had to clean up after him. Today, their mission was simple, they had to bring a suitcase to a warehouse where it would be picked up. They were at the location so they decided to walk in. 

They walked in and realized that they were not the only ones with the information on this spot. Their rival, Rob, was waiting inside the warehouse. He looked at them and they looked at him shocked and in surprise. Rob pulled out a gun and the two men started to run. Rob was chasing them, and suddenly, Peter tripped with the suitcase. It was now in the middle of all three of them. Like the old westerns, the men stood frozen for a second staring at each other, suddenly gunshots rang out.

Rob walked out of the building on the other side where his ride was waiting for him. “Hey, Jeff, we secured the package and we are ready to take it back to the house.” The house was a meeting place, of sorts. This was where the boss, Tom, spent most of his time. It is not a house, but more of a grocery store, they just call it a house just in case the feds follow them. 

When they got to “the house” they went to the back room. Everyone was there waiting for them and when he threw the case to Tom, and Tom threw back a stack of money in return. Tom began to explain, “This case is worth more than anything, and it is the key to being the number one gang in this city,”

They all knew what it meant to be the number one gang, so they were all excited. What everyone in the room didn’t know is that this mysterious “key to be on the top” was just the beginning of a full-on gang war.

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