no death | Teen Ink

no death

October 14, 2021
By Anonymous

  Imagine everyone not ever dying , they are alive forever and ever. It would be very packed on earth. Before , there was a pandemic at some point where a lot of people were dying , like an ant being accidently stepped on on a sidewalk. After a year or 2 , the pandemic was finally over . 

    When everything was back to normal , the world was weird , for some reason everyone just stopped dying .not once single person. Someone is always dying every day on earth everywhere ,  but nothing has happened. It was tragic because it happened so sudden. The world was overpopulated and was just a mess , people had to go somewhere . 

    The peacemaker, who was known as a scientific man , had big muscles and black hair , had created a teleportation machine .  The peacemaker man then would have the elders go to another dimension other than earth instead of dying , This was the only best solution that they had. Because they were older than 70 , they had no choice but to go. They were okay with it because they knew the world would finally be at peace and  would not be so overpopulated. It was the best solution for everyone for this so that he was able to get rid of people without hurting anyone.

     .There was another man who had the same idea but it was a bad one. His name was Mr. Death. He had the same idea of getting rid of people but he would actually hurt them just so they can stop living . Every time he would be in the street he would just randomly target and kill old people , he thought  the Peacemaker’s idea  was a boring idea , he saw no point in having a whole other dimension where old people can be at peace.  

The peacemaker knew he had to get rid of Mr. Death one way or another , Mr. Death  was really sneaky so it was very hard to catch him , after a week of passing  , Peacemaker spotted him by a grocery store that was filled with old people , he knew he had to call the cops in order to securely catch him and once the cops had came , he was catched like a mouse trap and sentenced for life. Every elderly person was so thankful because no one was going to have to die anymore , and can instead go to a different dimension.                                                                  

The author's comments:

i like to read books

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Lydiaq ELITE said...
on Oct. 21 2021 at 9:50 am
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
179 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.
