When a Plan Fails | Teen Ink

When a Plan Fails

June 7, 2021
By Anonymous

WEE-oww-WEE-oww! I could hear police sirens in the background.

“What was that?”

“It's nothing. Mr. Burns, MR. BURNS, where's my money?” 

“It's in the briefcase,” he said nervously as he pointed over to the corner of the room where two briefcases sat against the wall. 

“Go to the roof there is a helicopter waiting for you” He ran as soon as I gave him the painting. WEE-oww-WEE-oww WEE-oww-WEE-oww! The sirens were getting louder every second. I glanced at my phone. “Get out of there NOW,” it read.

Without thinking, I sprinted as fast as I could up to the roof. Why are there so many stairs? “I thought.” Beat after beat I could feel my heart racing. When I finally reached the roof I grabbed my parachute and put it on. Parachuting was not my first choice when it came to making an escape plan, but I knew it was the only way to get out of here safely. As I got ready to jump I had to stop myself. Police cars had surrounded the area. “How did they get here so fast?” I muttered.

Without thinking I immediately sprinted to the opposite side, where there were no police vehicles in sight... I jumped immediately without giving it a second thought, I was in freefall, the wind blowing in my face. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw people pointing at me. I knew it was a matter of seconds before the police noticed me.

I had to be quick. I was about to pull my parachute when something hit me. Immediately my skin felt like it was burning. My eyes suddenly went blurry, I could feel myself slipping away, then complete darkness. 

KLUNK! I heard his body hit the cement, and without hesitation, I picked my gun up and ran down the stairs of the building. I looked out into the street, squinting my eyes trying to find the black van that was supposed to be waiting for me. Honk! I looked to my left and saw the van. I sprinted as fast as I could, worrying that someone would see me.

“Start the engine,” I yelled.

“Where to sir?”

“The airport,” I said looking out the window to see if anyone had followed me. Suddenly a  weird feeling that something was going to go wrong came over me, but I knew I had to focus. As we passed the lifeless body lying in the street, police were everywhere, searching every single building. I sank down in my seat praying to make it to the airport, and not get caught. 

Buzzz, Buzzz! I glance at my phone.

“Get out of there. Now,” it read.

“Let's go, drive faster,” I screamed. We must have been going over 100 mph, as everything was a blur as I looked out the window. “How much longer?”

“3 minutes sir.”

I picked up my wrist and looked at my watch. I immediately knew something was wrong as we should have been at the airport by now. 

BANG! a semi-truck hit us.

I touched my head. Blood was gushing out of it, my vision suddenly went blurry, I started slipping away, then complete darkness. 

Drip, Drip! The blood hit the seat of the car as I checked his pulse. There was no pulse, and without hesitating I ran. As I got closer to the warehouse police were everywhere. I immediately looked for a place to change clothes. 

I ran to the gas station across the street. My heart was pounding, I knew there was no time to waste. I quickly unzipped my bag and got out a freshly ironed police uniform. BUZZ, BUZZ! I looked at my phone.

“Get out of there NOW!” it read.

The author's comments:

action packed

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