Rhamnousia | Teen Ink


May 28, 2021
By travin8989 BRONZE, Murrieta, California
travin8989 BRONZE, Murrieta, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He had come here to uphold his mother's last wishes. He was at a large beach-river valley, this was a place he and his family had always gone to. The river was surrounded by tall mountains, some of the mountains, in certain places, were populated with lush trees and vegetation, and the river glowed a beautiful, warm teal. Boaters, providing services for tourists, peacefully and silently moved through the lake. He sat on the river's beach, gazing at the wonderful view of the environment. He only wished his family was here to share this moment with him, as he pulled out his mother's ashes and emptied them into the river. He got up and began walking towards the nearest bus stop, holding tears in his eyes. His family was exiled from their home country, their assets and valuables stripped from them. He knew little about his family’s history, possessing only one heirloom. The heirloom was a golden, jewelry imbued key, but to what? He was on the road to finding out, he thought to himself, as the bus finally arrived to pick him up. He had re-entered the country which he had been exiled from, not just to uphold his mother’s wishes, but to figure out what the one heirloom he was left with goes to. He was getting off at his old family home, the one they occupied before they were exiled. He knew the answers there would be zero to none, but even if there was a scare amount, that could at least guide him somewhere. Pulling out his enclosed mini-portrait necklace, opening it, he gazed at the only family photo he had left. He intended on upholding the promises he made to his family in full.

The author's comments:

 I play on the computer a lot.

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