Buy One, Get One | Teen Ink

Buy One, Get One

May 20, 2021
By ickupe21 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
ickupe21 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

           Sitting there behind the counter was Apollo, fidgeting with whatever trinket he was focused on so intently. His hands, though jittering, maneuvered through the various loops and buckles of the merchandise he was handling with ease. It wasn’t usually this simple—— a piece would fall here and there then get stuck between the cracks of the lazily built counter which would cause the brunet to rest his forehead on the surface and whine in silent agony. No, this bracelet wasn’t one of the usual tortures; it was a gift. The golden owl charm jingled softly with each of Apollo’s movements as it was fastened to the silver chain through a hook loop found on most necklaces. She loved owls, he remembered just as he remembered all her favorite things. It wasn’t difficult to, for the ginger next “store” occupied his thoughts regardless. He kept working on his gift, the thought of her egging him on, his cheeks glowing softly like a morning sun. The owl shimmered in the store’s dimly lit ceiling lights, and Apollo sighed with fatigue. He checked the dusty clock, noting that it was nearly time for his break. It wouldn’t be much of one, seeing how no customers had bothered to come to peruse, but he would be grateful to get up and move his legs a bit. He swung his legs towards the counter’s exit and got up. Hyper-focused on the bracelet, he ran into a shelf on his way to the door. 

“Apollo!” Or maybe that wasn’t a shelf. Apollo glanced up, averting his eyes from his task to the irritating chirp. A younger girl stood before him, her head tilted as she took in his spaced-out demeanor.

           “Diana, shouldn’t you be in class?” he asked, his voice seeped with annoyance. Diana twirled her hair innocently, disregarding the question with a shrug. 

“I dunno Polly, shouldn’t you be working and not messing around with whatever.” She lazily motioned to his palm. “That is.”

“I’m on break.” He had half a mind to grab her by the shoulders, shove her into the mall’s winding halls, hope she gets lost, and call it a day but thought against it. He worried about what their dads might do to him. “We haven’t been getting much business lately either.”

“You’re blushing,” Diana said abruptly; she turned with a glint in her eyes. Apollo squeaked and darted towards the doorway. “That’s for Amara isn’t it?” His speed increased.

“None of your business!” 

Diana let out a tiny “Hmph!” before making her way to the exit as well. The brunet gave his sister a side glare, noticing she was matching his pace and stopped walking as he hit the cobblestone of the mall’s hallway. He was hit with a sudden rush of chilly air being shot out of the mall’s ventilation system and rolled his sleeves down. Diana, already wearing a teal hoodie, stood rigid, immune to the breeze. She watched as her brother scanned the area intently and chuckled to herself. She elbowed him.

“She works down there,” she nodded her head to their right at a store whose insides glowed an eerie red light. Apollo squinted, wondering how such a sweet girl enjoyed working at a place for skaters and punks, but he decided not to judge her for it. Besides, he was a guy working in a kiddie toy store. 

“How do you know that?”

“I passed her on the way here. She said ‘Hey Diana! Shouldn’t you be in class?’ just like you did.” Apollo sighed, dropping the line of reasoning, and straightened his back. His eyes fastened ahead at the store, its discordant music crashing into his ears. The brunet shook, unsure if it was from the thundering noise or the pure nervousness of his heart; Diana raised an eyebrow. 

        There it was, as easy as that. So simple and so easy. The store was a mere light walk away, probably even faster to reach with a jog. Easy peasy. A few steps away-

         “Apollo,” Diana’s voice shot through his mind. “You haven’t moved in a hot minute… did you stall?” Apollo let out a snort.

         “I’m not a car.” His eyes had dropped and were glued to the floor; his reflection stared back up at him pathetically. His sister struck a chord, as it seemed like dust began collecting around the edges of his sneakers. Strides away, that’s all the distance they had between them. Yet, he remained plastered to the mall’s tiles. He had seemed so sure of himself a mere minute ago, but his heart was ensnared with newfound horror that had unknowingly woven its way into his chest. He finally moved an inch… backward.

         “You moved!” Diana giggled and outstretched her arm to stable him. He swatted her arm away with a glare and began pacing between her and his store’s doors. 

           “Hey.” He paused his walk. “How long’s her break?” Diana counted her fingers mindlessly.

            “Um… like 20 more minutes? Why?” Silence hung. “NO!”

           “What?!” Apollo jumped at the sudden outburst. She stared at him, burning holes into his already “precipitating” forehead. He shifted his eyes away sheepishly and felt his face heat up.

            “You. Are. Not. Chickening. Out! Not now!” she huffed, her index finger drilling into his chest. Damn it; she was perceptive. The boy recoiled like an angered feline while he fished around in his pocket for the charm. Gripping it shakingly, he held it up in the mall’s glaring lights and admired it. The shimmer of the charm was meant to mimic the glow of his heart, the glow that surfaced when he thought of her. Yet, he frowned. There was a blemish here and there, a nick from some accidental scraping, a stick of plaster from some unfinished coating. The longer he looked, the uglier the charm became. He lowered his arm, and his eyes softened their intense stare; the shimmer was just a trick of the eyes. A pained sigh left his lips as he had the creature retreat to his cotton-lined pocket. “Oh no, you don’t!” His chest suddenly heaved with pain and his lungs were expelled from any air he had left. His face seemed to mimic that scream painting everyone seemed to know. What was the cause of this turmoil?

           “DIANA.” He hadn’t meant to yell that loud, but how could he not?! He felt his back crash onto the cold, slick ground as Diana followed, landing on top of him. The back of his palm slapped the marble, and his fingers outstretched. Apollo rose sharply to the sound of a jingle, and panic struck through him. His mouth stayed agape as he saw the charm skid across the floor. Thank goodness it stopped before it’d fallen through the railing onto the first floor.

           “Wait!” Spoke too soon. Diana had let out the futile scream to an absentminded civilian who, distracted by their phone, hadn’t noticed the charm and kicked it between the railing bars, sending it plummeting onto the first floor. Silence once again returned. Apollo snapped his neck back towards his sister who shared a similar expression of horror.

          “You have two seconds to explain yourself-“

          “It’s not my fault you fall over like a toddler!”

         “You shouldn’t tackle people and then grab things out of their hands.” Spit frothed at his mouth. “Idiot!” He shoved her off and got to his feet. Scanning the area, he looked for any means of travel. Great, how could he forget; it was Valentine’s and because of that, the mall was bustling with people. Elevators were likely packed, and escalators were equally so. Apollo felt himself shrinking, the wave of negativity from before transforming into a tsunami. He probably looked pathetic here, kneeling on the ground like some hapless grandma. “Ohhh….” He let out a resigning groan. Suddenly, hands gripped his shoulders and began to rock him violently. “What! What do you want now?!”

              “Look!” Diana hissed in his ear as she turned him in the direction of an unnoticed escalator, free from civilians. A glimmer of hope appeared in the boy’s eyes before it was snuffed out by sudden realization. The escalator, though appearing stable, had yellow police tape guarding its steps. A tiny white sign sat cutely next to the broken machine with a very blunt “Do Not Use'' written on its face. Not only that but a mall security agent was stationed next to it leaning on their segway who would occasionally wander out to ward people away from the escalator like a priest to a spirit. Apollo sunk again. 

            “It’s out of order.”


            “And?!” Apollo whipped his head around to face his sister. He looked for any sense of remorse or blatant intelligence behind her eyes. None surfaced. She gave him a cheeky grin before patting him on the head. “What are you doing-“ She stood up in silence. “What are you doing?!” he asked again, fear rising. She began to walk away from him before turning around, holding out a thumbs up.

            “I’m gonna take that segway, and you’re going down those stairs.” She let out a boastful chuckle. “And then you’re going to get that charm, give it to Amara, and be on your merry way.”

            “We shouldn’t-“

            “Clock’s tickin’, chicken,” Diana jeered, causing Apollo to straighten up. She had a point, such an awful point, but a point nonetheless. He got to his feet, wobbling like a newborn lamb. This was a terrible idea! Why! Oh, if only he hadn’t frozen up. 

             Diana had made it up to the officer with their segway. The officer gave the girl a look of confusion with hints of annoyance as she continued to move closer and closer, ignoring the polite sign they’d placed commanding that folks do the opposite. Apollo watched from a distance with his legs still shaking. If she didn’t hurry up-

            “Ma’am, I’m going to need you to step back,” the guard said and began to approach Diana with a scowl. She, on the other hand, stifled a giggle and dashed out of the guard’s path, scurrying behind them as they swung their head around in shock. She stumbled a bit before hopping onto the segway, gripping onto the handlebars for dear life. She had a wild gleam in her eyes, and her mouth was wide with wonder and laughter. Apollo covered his face in embarrassment; she’s probably always wanted to do this, dear god. He peeked out from behind his fingers to watch the horrible scene unfold. Diana laughing, the guard seething and attempting to tackle her off only for her to swerve the machine slightly, causing the guard to plummet onto the ground. She was obviously having trouble with the controls, seeing as how the wheels jittered forward and back and sometimes side to side. Unfortunately, she got a handle on the gas and was speeding in Apollo’s direction with no intention of slowing down. The brunet yelped and dove out of the way of the oncoming segway.

             “Hi, Apollo! Bye Apollo!” she managed to blurt out as she sped by. The heavy stomps of rage followed soon after as Apollo watched the guard pursue her with a red face, spewing profanities. Much of the surrounding people had frozen and gawked at the scene. The boy refocused as he shook his palms, turning back to the rundown escalator now guardless. He made his way over sheepishly as he continued to watch over his shoulder just in case the hum of a segway resurfaced. He made it up to the escalator’s railing and shivered. The cheap, yellow tape may as well have been laser beams by the way he was sweating at it. Again, he glanced over both his shoulders. Nothing. He breathed, then checked once more, and once more, there was nothing. He sighed to himself and stared. If there was nothing, why was he still standing there, immobile as the escalator? 

          “....One small step…” He breathed and lifted a leg over the tape. “One big step..” He inhaled and brought his other foot over. He was practically a maraca now, sweat flying off his forehead. He took painful glances at his surroundings, suddenly shook his head, and took off down the steps. He kept his eyes straight ahead now; left and right was just arbitrary. The escalator stairs groaned with the pressure of his steps as Apollo continued to speed walk down. He’d always been one to be cautious with stairs, always hollering at Diana to keep her hands on the railing. Now here he was, darting down metal stairs, arms pumping, and eyes that seemed to bear no regard for safety. The clock was ticking and that’s all that mattered to him. She was all that mattered, as mushy as that sounded in his head. He was a bullet with no intention of stopping, even at its most vital. Unfortunately, it was most vital now! “Oh GOD-“ Apollo cried out, covering his face with his arms as he saw the first floor approaching him at a rapid pace. His legs hadn’t caught up to his brain yet and were still flailing wildly, much to his disdain. The yellow tape on the lower part of the escalator screamed with him as he launched off the bottom step and bulldozed through the cheap adhesive, tangling on his ankles and sending him into the floor. Noticing the commotion he caused, Apollo immediately sprang up from the floor and went to hide in the men’s bathroom, clawing at the tape that still draped on his shoes. He tripped into an open stall and slammed the door. He heaved for air, sucking down all oxygen he could while wiping his forehead. His previously blurred, tunnel-vision had faded at this point, and he could swear he was seeing stars. Panicked thinking weighed heavily on him; all those eyes, those people… had someone called the police on him yet? Or.. maybe people were still distracted by Diana? No no, she was long gone by now. Right? His phone began to buzz. He answered.

         “Polly!” Speak of the devil, and she will appear. “Where are you- HOW are you?”

         “Huh- Where are you calling from? This isn’t your number-“ A nervous chuckle came from her end of the line.

         “I’m in the security office. They let me have a phone call.”

          “Why didn’t you call dad?”

          “I was checking on you!” How sweet. “Plus, I think I saw the charm.” This statement, though delivered with a curt tone, sent sparks through Apollo’s feet as he leaped forward. “It’s in the fountain.” Almost instantly, those sparks sizzled and poofed into thin air. 

          “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” he sighed. A huff came from the other end of the line.

           “I thought you’d be happy with this info!” Diana hissed through the receiver. “It’s a lost charm in a mall, do you know how hard it could’ve been to locate? I’m just lucky I saw the obnoxious gleam coming from the fountain.” Apollo raised an eyebrow at this last statement.

           “Are you sure it wasn’t a coin?”

           “I can only recognize that light coming from one of your overly polished toys.” Apollo reddened.

            “It’s not overly polished-“

            “Whatever. Just go get it!” Radio interference began to scratch in Apollo’s ears, and he could only assume that it was because security was tearing the phone away from his sister who had gone over her call limit. The brunet sighed and slipped his phone back into his pocket and walked out of the stall. Towards the exit of the bathroom, he poked his head out and looked from left to right. His early commotion with the escalator still weighed heavily in his mind as it probably did in others. Mindlessly, he took off his shirt and wore it inside out, hiding the logo on his shirt. The dumbest disguise, but a disguise nonetheless. Now “disguised”, Apollo began to walk into the plaza and spotted the fountain Diana had mentioned. And as mentioned, there was a light being emitted from the shallow pool. He stood there stone-faced, sweat dripping down his temple as he stared ahead. In the fountain? The fountain of all places? It couldn’t be a trash bin or something? Apollo shuddered at the thought, but digging through trash cans seemed more socially acceptable than launching one’s self into a mall fountain. His eyes darted around and took in the scenery. People walking and kids playing or eating some greasy fast food obstructed most of his vision. His senses told him to pinpoint individuals in uniform whether on foot or wheels that thundered down hallways with authority. 

        “I can’t believe I’m thinking about this…” he muttered under his breath. The fear inside began to swallow him in the possibilities of failure. He shivered like a frail tree branch and twiddled his fingers. The clock ticked, breaking the boy from his trance. Her shift was about to end; it was Valentine’s and she was about to walk away! Everything was wrong, everything was-

          “Hey kid, back up will ya?” Frick. The brunet turned to a hand on his shoulder; it was red and veiny. A glimmer struck his eye as he realized he was face to face with a badge. His eyes reluctantly rose to make eye contact and flinched. Puffy, aged eyebrows furrowed with wrinkled forehead lines pierced him, and the stern blue eyes that followed almost sent him 6 feet under. “Don’t stand too close to the fence, ya hear?” the security man tapped the silver barricade with his fingers. “Even a ‘lil nudge can set off the alarm.” Apollo gulped.

           “Yes sir! Sorry, sir!” At this, the security guard went back to doing who knows what as the brunet attempted to lower his heart rate. She’s leaving in 7 minutes. But the fountain’s guarded. By some four-foot-high fence! With an alarm! But he worked so hard… too hard-

            “Hey, kid! What the hell!”

          Apollo hadn’t realized yet, but he was soaring above the fence, a shoe popping off from getting caught on a rung. He saw the water, he saw his reflection. His face was desperate, it was driven. It was determined. He’d never felt prouder to gaze at himself. His mind was so clouded with the thought of the charm that the sensation of the warm liquid slamming his body and his clothes clasping to his skin like tape didn’t register. Cobblestone drove itself into his knees as his hands snaked around in the depths, gripping for any metal texture. His hair mangled and glued to his face, he must’ve looked insane, but no relinquishing cry came from his throat as it did on the escalator. He was silent. Finally, his skin brushed an abrasive surface, a nick that he’d recognize anywhere. Triumphantly, he rose his arm from the shallows and hoisted his prize in the air, its shimmer blinding. He got it! He was getting dragged out by security, but he got it! He was being shoved across the mall’s floors, but he got! He got sat next to Diana, but he got it! Wait-

         “Welcome to the party bro!” Diana’s sneer broke him out of his victory tune. One look around and he noticed he was in the security office. He thought of their dads storming in, fatigue and anger lining their expressions. Yet, he barely shuddered. He shuddered, but that was because he was wet.

        “I don’t know what’s wrong with you kids,” the watchful security attendant muttered under their breath. “Your parents will be here in a few.” Diana nudged her brother playfully to which he responded with a light punch to the shoulder. There was laughter in their eyes, free of malice.

 “I’m sorry, can I come in?” a voice from outside the office spoke to the attendant. The attendant nodded and opened the door. “We had extra towels so- Oh! Diana!” Apollo’s heart nearly flew out of his chest. 

        “Amara! Hey!” Diana chirped back, acting as if her brother wasn’t on the verge of a heart attack. 

       “I’m shocked, Diana always told me you were the responsible one.” Amara chuckled, kneeling in front of Apollo to hand him a towel. He took it wordlessly and dabbed his face. The towel barely got damp; it merely ghosted his face, yet he seemed grateful enough for the gesture. Face to face with her, it was different from what he imagined. Her hair seemed to bounce and dance like an unkempt fire, and her eyes like emeralds, seas of twinkling deep within the hues. He hadn’t even noticed before, but she had freckles lining her cheeks, sprayed haphazardly yet harmonious. The more Apollo wiped his face, the less he believed the liquid was still the fountain water and more so his sweat. But what did that matter? He’d already jumped in once, hell, he was probably about to get the lecture of a lifetime; what more could go wrong?

“Hey,” His voice cracked. “I made something for you.” Amara cocked her head, the fire around her twirling. Apollo’s arm, which felt detached from the rest of his paralyzed body, fished around in his pocket and retreated feeling that oh-so-familiar scratch. The charm dangled limply, the owl’s appearance seemed more meek than when he previously checked on it; he had the fountain to thank for that. He saw the nick, the scratch, the gummy plaster that was hanging off the owl’s backside and chuckled to himself. He was embarrassed, oh he was so embarrassed, yet, that was fine. He was fine.

“Really?” Amara gave a tiny grin. It wasn’t glamorous by any means, yet it still shimmered in her eyes. Her hands went to brush against his as she took the gift sending Apollo’s heart rate through the ceiling. In one quick movement, it was around her wrist, singing just as her eyes were. Apollo couldn’t help but smile too, but quickly hid it with the back of his hand. “It’s amazing, thanks!” She tore her eyes from her new gift to face him. “But, why were you in the fountain-”
“Ahhh- it fell in there because of some…. accident… and I jumped in.. and yeah.”


“Yeah,” a forced chuckle left his lips. Amara covered her own, a smile contorting on her face. Soon after he heard a snort, then a small giggle. He turned to her, his own awkward laughter, blending into something more light.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you-” Amara waved her hands innocently trying to stifle her snickering.

“No no! It’s fine, it was..” Apollo couldn’t finish his sentence; he was laughing, genuinely. Diana, who’d been completely checked out for the majority of this dialogue, was looking at the two, a smug aura surrounding her. Apollo noticed the glance and shoved his sister. “You started this.”

“Yeah? But here you are, with your wife.” Apollo’s soul left.

“With his what-”
“NOTHING. SHUT UP.” He covered his mouth and stammered: “I mean, I don’t want you to shut up Amara-”
“I gathered,” Amara scoffed, shooting playful eyes at Diana who smiled back at her, aware of the blush that was forming on the ginger’s face as well. 

Eventually, the mood would damper as authoritative figures stepped in, dragged out the siblings, and drove them home. Yet, it seemed to be moot to Apollo, mere background noise to his playful thoughts. Nothing’s left him braindead quicker.

His head up against his father’s car window, he moved his hand to his cheek cupping the chapstick outline on his skin.

The author's comments:

I am a high school senior heading off into the big world, a world full of risk and opportunity. In a sense, I relate to Apollo with his hesitancy, but like him, I must learn to leap in full throttle or I'll never reach the places I wish to reach.

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