Lost In Emerald Eyes | Teen Ink

Lost In Emerald Eyes

December 1, 2020
By Anonymous

Hey my name is  Layla,I  live in a cozy cottage alone without my family,I was wondering why there was a mysterious cave close to my cottage which was a mystery!  I have blond hair and  green emerald eyes, I always see the cave glow up at midnight. Speaking of midnight, I'm going to hang out with my friends, Jacob, Summer,and Maddie. Oh wait I forgot to tell you something, every time it’s midnight the moon always turns purple and the wind blows fast? Let's find out!

The day Layla went to hang out with her friends, they had their own treehouse. While they were there Layla saw something out the window. As Layla said, “Do you guys see that?” Summer replied, “See what?”Layla was shook! But little does she know it was her eyes that only could see the moon turn purple. Then all of a sudden, Layla heard something coming from the cave echoing her name, “Layla---Layla---Layla---,” As Layla ran inside her home, Jacob, Maddie, and Summer were confused? BOOM!  A book falls out from the roof, As Layla starts walking up to it, the book says “DON'T OPEN! , Layla was confused so she opened it……  

To be continued…. As Layla opens the book, the floor starts shaking and all of a sudden, something grabs Layla's foot, and as she fell, Layla grabbed the book with her as she fell down a tunnel, She yelled “HELLP! But no one heard her. Then she ends up in a glowing crystal cave with tunes of potion bottles, Layla says, “Hello?”  Then, something pops out with smoke, as the smoke disappears, A dragon mixed with horse legs and tail, and a witch riding it, we call them the “Midnight Croaks,” Layla screams! “AHHH,” then the book opens and her eyes start glowing up, bright as a crystal, but the witch really wanted her eyes but Layla doesn’t know that it’s really rare to have those eyes. Layla starts running and running. As Layla stopped running, she started thinking, To be continued…….. 

After she started thinking she was confused about what happened today, so she took a break off from thinking and said, “I’m just going to forget what happened today and i'm going to rest,”  After she rested, Lalya called her friends over to tell them what happened yesterday. When Summer, Jacob, and Maddie come over she starts talking. “Talks,” and for the first time they believed  her. They were shook! So they planned to capture the Midnight croaks but at night, So Layla said to her friends, “good night!”  The next day, They quickly went to the  crystal cave but really quitt, Maddie heard something. Maddie said, “HIDE!” , they all started hiding. We saw the Midnight croaks laughing but we didn’t understand. Jacob gave everyone materials like, nets, silly string, sticks, and a fake emerald eye. Then, jacob ran and set up the trap so she falls, Maddie pretends to give her the eye crystal, and summer throws sticks at her in the end, the witch looks at the crystal and yells “YES!” , and they run away!

Here is the end of the story, Lalya, Maddie, Summer, and Jacob did their handshake and were so happy that they finished the Midnight croaks!  Layla said, Thank you guys for helping me end then, and they replied, “Your welcome”, But little do they know that they didn’t get rid of the book, they still have it. Layla still doesn’t know about it. The end! So did they live happily ever after or is it still a mystery? HEHEHE

The author's comments:

I wrote this due to my teacher, and she inspirated me to write this piece! 

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