Wisteria | Teen Ink


October 28, 2019
By jsingleton4358 BRONZE, Eubank, Kentucky
jsingleton4358 BRONZE, Eubank, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The rustic leather chair squeaked as Hyla placed her weight on top, the dim lit room contained a browned crinkled letter chart she thought must have seen better days. The wall opposite of the examination chair set the doctor’s foldable desk next to a tall shelf with diagrams and miscellaneous jars scattered about. Knock knock. Swiftly the oak door swung open and Dr. Wistric strided in flashing a broad toothy smile. “Hyla, what a pleasure to see you again. Eye troubles yes?” he spoke matter-of-factly finding the swivel chair tucked under his desk and taking his position. 

“Yes, my eyes have been extremely dry lately. No drops that I’ve tried have worked.” Hyla shifted in her seat the air in the room became rather uneasy after the doctors arrival. Grabbing a thin flashlight Dr.Wistric turned to Hyla shining the small beam directly into her pupil. “Yes, a peculiar reaction indeed.” he mumbled. He scurried to his desk and started rummaging through it’s cluttered content. “Tell me dear what do you do in your spare time? Your eyes seem strained.” his voice carried through the tight fitted office. 

“I paint pretty frequently.” Hyla managed to stutter, her face always seemed to redden when anyone inquired about her art. Wistric’s eyes shifted up to her then he withdrew a blushed slip of paper from the drawer.

“Painting you say?” he mumbled aloud while scribbling onto the paper, “you know I’ve been searching for someone to repaint an old statue in my garden. Of course only the best of talents would be trustworthy enough though.” Hyla’s eyes lit up in anticipation longing to be a renowned artist, she imagined being commissioned for such a huge project and smiled. That smile quickly morphed into a frown when realization struck that Wistric would never hire a fourteen year old for such a task.

 “I’ll have to place an order for the eyedrops Hyla it seems that our last bottle went to Mrs.Jenkins this morning.” Wistric peeked over his glasses that were propped on the bridge of his sharp nose. Hyla offered a polite nod and began to her feet as Dr.Wistric blocked the door-way.

“How would you like to paint my statue?” there was a mysterious gleam in Wistric’s milky cerulean eyes. 

“I’d love to!” Hyla exclaimed with a little too much zeal. 

He offered the pink paper to her. Scrawled in minute handwriting was the doctor’s address. 124 Maleficium Avenue. “I’ll be home tomorrow at three o’clock if you’d like to start then. I’ll see what strings I can pull to have those eye drops to you then as well.” he shuffled away from the door. 

“I’ll see you then Doctor.” Hyla beamed, bouncing blithely out of the office. Dr.Wistric curiously observed her turn the corner and a weak smile found its way to the corner of his lips.

Once home Hyla raced past her brother and father sitting at their kitchen table to her room. Slewing open plastic drawers filled to the brim with oil, acrylic, guache, and watercolor paints she compiled a small tray of her favorite periwinkles to golds then set them aside for tomorrow. She roamed back into the kitchen and joined her spot at the table where a bowl of lukewarm vegetable soup awaited her. 

“How did your appointment go sweetie?” her father inquired placing his tattered copy of The Grapes of Wrath beside his empty bowl. 

“I’ll have to pick up the drops tomorrow when I go to my job I was commissioned for by Dr.Wistric,” she slyly smiled.

 “I wouldn’t hire you to scratch my back,” her younger brother Brian scoffed. 

Their father shushed him, “I think that’s great honey! What are you going to be doing?” 

“He wants me to paint one of his old statues,” she mumbled behind her emptying bowl of soup. 

Her father acceptingly nodded then proceeded to gather up the dishes placing them in the sink. Brian darted off to his room claiming he had homework to escape his tedious chores even though Hyla knew he’d just be in his room playing video games. The night wore on as Hyla helped her father clean up the house and soon enough all became still and quiet. She retreated to her bedroom and flopped back onto her bed. The hum of the washing machine on the other side of the wall echoed in her mind as she unconsciously drifted to sleep as tomorrow beckoned her name. 

At noon, the sun streamed through Hyla’s dark blinds and she awoke not meaning to sleep in so late. She jumped up and pulled on whatever was clean on the floor then mosied on into the kitchen. Grabbing an apple she quickly scarfed it down and went to retrieve her art supplies. Packed up, she set out of the house first making sure she still had the slip of paper with the address. Turning to the left side of the sidewalk she walked on for what seemed like hours navigating the concrete jungle of downtown Elkton. Eventually she arrived at a dirt path on the outskirts of town with a sign engraved with Maleficium Avenue. The road was a straight shot with one singular house at the end. Once she arrived her jaw dropped and Dr.Wistric offered a warm wave from his porch.

The house was a replica of a fairytale castle, gray blocks stacked sky high to a roof plastered in towering trees potted orchids and Japanese Wisterias. Nine elongated windows peeked behind the ivy climbing the walls of the three story mansion. In the front yard bushes with different colored flowers encased the stone walk-way to the cedar porch. Hyla approached the doctor hardly paying any attention with her astonishment that a place like this existed in Elkton, Maryland.

 “Hyla I’m so glad you made it! Come inside I’ll show you around,” Wistric whisked her away inside. The grandeur of the outside hardly compared to the inside. Decorated with golden framed paintings the foyer was adorned with a grand crystal chandelier and the marble floor had a pristine cornflower blue rug that stretched throughout the corridors. 

“Yes, to your right leads to my few offices and to the left the kitchen and dining rooms,” he began to the left, “let me get you some refreshments before I show you the garden, I just made lemonade,” 

As they progressed through the hall a subtle pink door with a clear glistening knob caught Hyla’s curiosity. “What is that room?”

“That room? Oh yes, I just use that one for storage I hardly ever bother to venture in there,” Wistric’s hesitant voice seemed to fluctuate and he quickly marched on. Shrugging off the tensity of the atmosphere now Hyla glanced back and noticed a purple light leaking through the cracks of the door but instead of inquiring about it she stepped into the kitchen. He poured a tall glass of lemonade and handed it to her.

 “You finish up, I must go retrieve something I’ll be back in a moment,” and with that he stormed off. Hyla knew better than to be nosy but she found herself creeping back to the mysterious door. Hand out-stretched for the handle a thud came from inside and she shot back to the kitchen nervously gripping her glass and sipping. Not long after Wistric reappeared with a grin on his face, “Shall we?”

He led her out the back door to a heavily vegetated garden surrounding a lake sized pond with a secluded island in the middle sheltering a withered stone fish statue. “My apologies that it’s so far out we’ll have to take my boat across,” he pointed at a wooden dock with a row boat tied to it. He helped her into the boat then took the oars and climbed in himself untying the rope and setting sail. Hyla stared down into the wax pond her rippled reflection mirrored back in the crystal blue water. Soon enough they reached the island and he helped Hyla out with her supplies. 

“I don’t mean to abandon you but I have paperwork I must attend but fret not, I'll come back for you in two hours time,” Wistric assured turning the boat around. “And before I forget here!” he tossed a miniature vial to Hyla labeled in a foreign language, “Those are the eye drops I promised,”

“Thank you!” Hyla smiled and waved as the doctor rowed off leaving her with the sad ancient statue staring down at her. She took out her brushes and paints to set about her task squeezing blues and purples onto a palette and then coating the cold near crumbling bass. Half an hour passed and the sun’s heat bearing down on her started to make her eyes water she reached into her pocket and withdrew the cool vial. Dropping the liquid into her eyes she shrieked as they began to burn and blindly ran to the waters edge dropping to her knees trying to flush her eyes. Her fingertips brushed the water and suddenly she was pulled into the abyss head first.

Panicked with her limbs thrashing about she began to believe she had met her end. A small voice came from her side, “Relax and breathe in, everything is okay,” Hyla exhaled and her eyes shot open swimming around her head was an iridescent trout. “Did that fish just speak?” she thought to herself, eyes wide. Her lungs burned from the lack of oxygen she couldn’t help but gasp for air. To her surprise she could breathe just fine and she stopped kicking as her feet touched the bottom of the pond. Peering around the new found world she stood in shock feeling as if she shrunk to three inches tall. Weeds towered over the pair like a heavily wooded forest. “I told you that you were fine, now we must go we haven’t much time!” the trout advised and started to swim off. 

          “Please wait!” Hyla shouted and hurried after him. Slimy weeds slapped her face as she struggled to keep his fin in view. Eventually they arrived at a cozy cottage in the middle of the vegetation and the trout motioned her inside. Inside a much older and fatter trout sat at a round cloth covered table half asleep with a cigar perched between his great lips. 

“Papa, he’s done it again we need to help her!” the smaller one cried.

Startled the father sat up and gazed between the two, “Damn Wistric won’t he ever learn his efforts are fruitless,” he started and put the cigar out in an ashtray. Hyla stumbled near fainting half from exertion and half from shock. 

“Pardon I didn’t mean to be rude earlier, I am Teb and this is my father” the small fish motioned to the other. 

“I’m Hyla, what is this place?”

“This is Ennenor ruled by King Alistair. Wistric’s potion is what brought you here you’re not the first,” the father replied rather unhappily.

“The potion is no good news you have until sunset before the effects really kick in and turn you into a statue forever!” Teb exclaimed. 

“You need to venture to Alistair’s palace he’s the only one who can aid you and get you back home,” explained Teb’s father. Teb had already started packing a bag with supplies for the small journey. 

“The palace is only a two hours walk ahead if you go through the enchanted forest but I must warn it isn’t the safest. Teb what are you doing? You are not going with her it’s too dangerous!” his father demanded as Teb started to drag Hyla out of the door.

“Father she’ll get lost on her own I must!” Teb protested as the door slammed shut behind them. He sighed and relit his cigarette muttering under his breath. 

Hyla and Teb walked side by side navigating the enchanted forest. Time seemed to drag on and nothing seemed too scary to Hyla so far so she assumed the old man must have been exaggerating. Right then a twig snapped behind them and Teb whipped his head around. A vicious crab started to circle the couple it’s sharp claws pulsating. Hyla shrieked and tried to back away but the crab lunged at her. Teb leaped in front of the crab’s strike and slapped it away with his tail fin. The stunned crab stumbled back as Teb opened his bag and pulled out an indiscernible food Hyla couldn’t identify and tossed it into a far off bush. The crab scurried away after it and Teb grabbed Hyla’s hand and guided her out of the enchanted forest.

Once away from the edge of the trees Hyla lost her breath at the sight of the palace a mile ahead. It’s colossal holographic walls bounced an array of color in every which direction. They dashed off and arrived at the palace in ten minutes. The guards nodded as they walked through the doors and Teb led the way up several flights of stairs to the throne room. 

    King Alistair looked down upon the bowing girl and small fish and raised one of his silver bushy brows. “You’re not from Ennenor my dear what brings you here?” he inquired stroking the tuft of gray hair on his chin. 

“Dr.Wistric has cursed me with his potion please help me!” Hyla squalled. 

“My brother never ceases with his efforts,” the King sighed. 

“Brother? That psycho is your brother?” Teb’s jaw dropped.

“Yes, sometime ago he lived here and was happy. He’d just married a fair painter called Athena. He was madly in love with her but alas he angered the swamp witch of the east for betraying her trust and she cast a nasty spell on Athena dooming her to a cold and still eternity.” the king explained solemnly.

“So that fish statue is his wife?” Hyla realized and cupped her mouth.

“Yes, he believes that sacrificing a likewise personality to the witch will win back her graces to reverse the curse. Unfortunately I deemed her a danger to my kingdom and banished her some hundred years ago that’s why he abandoned this realm in anger with me,” the king stood from this throne and turned his back towards them. Teb and Hyla shifted and approached King Alistair zoning out the window. They comforted him long enough so that they could devise a plan. The King’s potion-maker would make an antidote to cure Hyla and then she would deliver a letter to Wistric from the King. Her safety was the first priority and saving Athena was the second.

Hyla downed the glowing pink liquid presented to her by the potion-maker. Alistair sent for one of his royal eels to return her to the surface. Once broken through to the humid air the eel gently set her down on the island to retrieve her supplies before taking her back to main land. Hyla gathered her things then gazed upon Athena’s morphed body and gently caressed her stone cheek.

“I’ll come back for you,” she whispered then the eel carried her across the water and dropped her in the rowboat before disappearing under the fresh ripples. Laying the royal envelope on the seat of the boat she snuck around Wistric’s mansion looming over her. Once she reached the dirt road her legs pumped hard as she ran home not turning back, just yet.

The author's comments:

I take inspiration from Hayao Miyazaki's films and the breathtaking artwork in them. I wanted to create the whimsical story telling and setting like Howl's Moving Castle but, based upon a real conversation I had with my eye doctor.

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