Habitat Mayhem: Based off of Diary of a Wimpy Kid | Teen Ink

Habitat Mayhem: Based off of Diary of a Wimpy Kid

May 28, 2019
By Wrirwin23 BRONZE, Morris Planes, New Jersey
Wrirwin23 BRONZE, Morris Planes, New Jersey
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I’m going to be honest, I was actually looking forward to today. I ended up sleeping a lot tonight, but I can’t say the same for Rodrick. He ended up getting stuck in the bathroom and he had to sleep in the bathtub. He couldn’t even get out of the room until 9:00 because that’s when room service was finally available for our room.

Once Rodrick was finally let out his face was a light pale color and his hair was all matted. In despite of rodricks conditions, my mom advised that it would be a good idea to go see the resorts new preserved animal habitat.

Manny seemed really excited but Rodrick was so tired he didn’t even respond. He kept on falling over every time he tried to stand. It was so bad my mom had to hold him up like a crutch. This might have not been the most ideal way to start the day , but I wasn’t giving up so easily.

We ended up going to the habitat section and it was actually amazing. They had all sorts of animals. At one point I even got to see a really cool dolphin show. Cold water covered me everytime they did one of their amazing tricks. What made it even better was their free snacks.

The only place that I didn’t really like was the reptile section. All of them were covered in a scaly and slimy skin. I swore some of them were staring at me but I decided to ignore it. I think that Rodrick thought the same because when he saw one of the snakes he passed out just from the sight of them. Either that or he just passed out from fatigue. My mom thought that we should be able to respect ALL animals, but I didn’t believe in that so I just went on my way to see the other habitats.

             Other than that everything was fine, at least until Manny ended up running off. Rodrick  used his sleep deprivation as an excuse and my mom said that looking for Manny would be a good experience for me. I didn’t even bother trying to fight their decision to send me to find him so I just went on my way.

I started by searching the mammal section where there were monkeys, chinchillas, and even a lion. The only thing that confused me was that they had one fat guinea pig in the guinea pig habitat. It looked like a big cheese ball. The funniest part was when it started rolling around its tiny pen, bouncing off the walls. Sadly I couldn’t stay there because a swarm of little kids covered the mammal habitat. I searched all of the habitats and of course I ended up having to go into the reptiles section. I couldn’t find any signs of him until I saw an open door. I went in to look but once I did the door closed on me.

             All I could do was walk around blindly looking for a light switch. I did find a switch but it wasn’t for a light, it was to open the door to the habitat. The only thing I knew to do was to go forward and look for Manny but once I got to the glass it turned out that he never even went in. He was on the other side of the big glass panel looking at me like I was an animal. I started to freak out and tell Manny to get help but he just sat there looking at me. I tried to get him to open the door again by bribing him with candy but then he just pulled some sour candy out of his own pocket and started eating them with a puckered face.

             Some of the bushes started to move almost as if they were crawling towards me. I got really worried so I started to bang on the glass to get his attention but he never responded. Next thing I knew a bunch of frogs, snakes and lizards were all around me.  Tiny feet from lizards were patting my back and snakes started to contort around my legs. I knew that this wasn’t going to end well unless if I got out so I hit the glass harder and before I knew it, the entire glass panel popped out and just bounced on the floor making the loudest sound I ever heard. I was lucky enough not to crush Manny when it fell. For a second I hesitated and then started to brush off all of the scaly creatures. Than I grabbed Manny and ran away from the habitat as fast as I could hoping not to get caught.

             The minute we got to mom and dad I told them that it would probably be a good idea to leave. My mom was getting food for Rodrick and told me to just take manny and show him some of the other habitats . Then I got really worried because a bunch of security guards from the hotel started to patrol the area. Luckily, once I told her what really happened and she changed her mind immediately and gathered the whole family up to leave. I decided to get a head start by dashing out of there as fast as a jaguar just to be safe about the security guards.

My parents walked back to the room and they said that they were just fine so I guess that I ran for no reason but I honestly didn’t care. We just stayed in the room and waited for things to cool down. Rodrick finally got the sleep he needed but we couldn’t relax because he took up the whole bed. I couldn’t sleep anyways, I was still scared that the reptiles from the habitat would find me. My mom couldn’t live with that being the end of the day so she said we can order food to the room for the rest of the day and do everything else tomorrow. For me it was a different story because I didn’t even believe that I would survive another day, but hey, at least I’m still here.

The author's comments:

This piece was really just for a good experience and I was just trying to have fun.

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