The Cost of Power | Teen Ink

The Cost of Power

May 21, 2019
By Hedaaq BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
Hedaaq BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A family name heard by thousands and praised by many and as they grew so did their wealth and power. They were no ordinary family they flaunted their wealth and had their scandalous moments, but they were all power hungry which was thought to be their weakness but really it was what made them last so long. From a wine distillery in europe in the 1800s  to the largest corporation in the world in 2018, they have turned their hundreds into billions. A family that seems never to fail and continues to grow. But what was their secret and what made them unbreakable? Even the family had no clue why that was but every family has a secret, blood is more important than all the power they have.

With winter formal only a few days away, Dylan sat on his bed contemplating on who to ask to his last dance. He sits up and grabs his phone, and begins scrolling through his instagram. Carefully hand picking his crushes and gathering the courage to ask one of them out. But as he gained the confidence to send a message to Kathelin, the daughter of the biggest patent law firm, Garcia barrages in and says “Hurry Mr.Duke you mustn't be late to school.” As Dylan rush down the marble staircase and through the front door he felt a rush that he has never felt before. He jumped into the car and told the driver to take him to school, only to find  out it wasn’t Jake his usually driver but rather a man with a bald head, blue eyes and a tattoo across his skull of his family crescent. Then everything goes black!

Dylan wakes up to find himself in a room that he seen before but can't remember when. He gets up, a little shaky but catches himself and runs for the door, but its locked. He quickly turns and the windows have been barred with an iron cages.He hears footstep approach and the door click and swings open. To find a man in a dapper suit and hair soft as silk. He introduced himself as Chris  and says “Mr. Duke follow me this way,” and Dylan ask “Where am I? My mom is a lawyer and she will sue you for abduction of a minor.” Chris gives a slight smirk and says “ Welcome to Crows academy, were the brightest and the best attend. If you follow me I will explain everything to you.” Dylan unsure and confused follows him through hallways filled with artwork and passes by classrooms with student learning math and english. “Mr. Duke you have been chosen by our superiors to attend this fine institute. Your parents have agreed to the term and you will complete your high school education with the crow academy. You will be assigned to a room, with a roommate and will be given classes and book.” Dylan cuts him off and says “I didn't choose this and I was told that I  was going to a boarding school in New York and this is not the place I visited last year.” Chris says “ Mr. Duke your family runs the biggest wine distillery in the world, you are one of the wealthiest families in the world but only one kid can take the role of CEO. You are not one of them as the third child, you will be sent here to learn and follow in our ways.” Dylan was confused even more than he already was and he passes by a gym but it wasn't like any normal gym it had weapons and things he has never seen before. He saw people fighting with swords, knifes, handguns and anything you can thing off.

They come to the end of the tour to giant brown door with a crescent of a snake with three heads. He walks into find a old man sitting in a grand chair. The old man says “Mr.Duke please shut the door and sit down, we have a lot of catching up to do.” Dylan sat in the chair and waited in awkward silence as the headmaster examined his paper and would glance up to look at him as if he were studying him. “ Dylan  do you know why you are here? Well as you know your family's wealth is no secret neither their influence throughout society across the globe. Correct? Have you ever wonder why your family lasted so long and what made them so powerful.” Dylan responded with “ I never thought about it, but I think it's because of the hard work my family puts in.” The old man laughed and snorted as if  he had said a joke. He takes a deep breath, and says “your family is a part of an organization called the Crows, we are a group of elites who have taken our power and wealth and combined them to ensure succession of our companies and of our families. We alienate anyone who tries to get in our way and this is where you come in. Mr.Duke you and every other child who will not be running their parents company will be trained at this school to be  an assassins. You will do the Crows bidding for 10 years after you graduate this institution. Your family, my family, and every other family has signed away their life to the crows all in the name of power .No questions, good. Your first class is about to begin, please close the door behind you.” Dylan in complete shock, gets up and heads to his first class.

  He enter into a dark room to find students his age sitting their eager to learn about the information being present to them, their stood a women with a chalk in her hand. She looks up and say “Ahh a new student, you must be Dylan, welcome to death 101 you can take a seat anywhere.”  and dylan sat down.

Dylan was often said to be too smart for his own good he knew that he was no longer at home where he had all the power but rather in a room filled with power hungry teenagers in place where power means nothing. So Dylan played along he learned the ins and the outs of the school only to find that it would get harder everyday for him. It all changed when he was given his first community service project to kill a democratic socialite who had been trying to pass a law to raise the taxes of wine because big corporations were getting to many tax breaks. So he was sent back to the United States. He was sent to washington where he would have to kill Lara Bene and make it look like an accident. Dylan thought of every possible way to get out of this but if he didn’t do it he would be the one killed. With his hands tie he took his two years of training and headed to state dinner in which Lara Bene would be attending. When he got to the state dinner he impersonated a waiter who served wine. But their was low concentration of pollen in all his glasses except for one which was had a mild concentration of pollen which was potent enough to kill Lara Bene who was allergic to pollen. As he handed her the drink he felt his gut turn upside down knowing that what he was doing was wrong. But he still did it and he watch her sip the wine and gulp down. He watched her red lipstick stain the wine glass and he watch her collapse to the ground. He watched her fight for her last breath. His first death brought him pure misery and he was no longer innocent. But rather is heart of gold had turned to a heart of pure evil.

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