Ivy on the Wall | Teen Ink

Ivy on the Wall

May 17, 2019
By TeddyBrown BRONZE, Old Greenwich, Connecticut
TeddyBrown BRONZE, Old Greenwich, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day was beautiful and the sun was out, there was a warm breeze flowing through the car.  We had been driving on the Pacific Coast Highway going to San Francisco for our final leg of the road trip.  The 80 degree weather warranted the windows rolled down and a blasting radio. While we sang along and drove without a care, we passed a police car, quickly turned our heads around and sighed with relief that the car didn’t follow us.  Earlier, at breakfast we had talked about our senior year of college and took our best guesses at what could happen in the future.

As we neared Malibu we tried to think about all the celebrities that lived there, going through each movie and the actors in them.  A movie we both liked was, The Wolf of Wall Street, then we remembered from the random research we had done while planning our trip, about celebrities who lived in the areas we were driving through.  Leonardo Dicaprio lived in Malibu, and we had seen a picture of his house online. From what we remembered of the picture, there was a huge pool that faded into the ocean with mountains on either side.  

As we kept talking about his house and the extravagant pool a crazy thought popped into our heads.  What about one last hurrah before we started school and the summer escaped our grasp. We googled Leonardo Dicaprio's house trying to get any hint of where it was, all we found was a posible street, no house number.  We drove to the street, and started looking up and down trying to find any evidence of which house his might be. There was one house that stood out amongst the rest, it had a gold gate and a white wall covered in ivy.  All the other houses were more open, but this one was hidden behind the large wall and no other house were in sight. We parked down the street so we would be less suspicious. As we walked along the wall trying to decide how to get in, we found a small section that seemed easy to climb.  Once over the wall,we ran down the mile long driveway and came to a grand and luxurious house. The pool was glistening in the summer sun, we threw off our shirts and dove in. It was a surreal experience, the Pacific ocean behind us, mountains on either side, and Leonardo Dicaprio's house in front of us.  As we continued to bathe in the sun and water, we heard something but continued with what we were doing. We thought it was the neighbors, but then we heard music coming from somewhere within the house. Our nerves took over, we started to scramble, rushing out of the pool grabbing our clothes, but we were too late.  A big burly man walked out and screamed, “What the hell is going on!” we tried to run up the everlasting driveway, but he caught us before we could get to the gate.

“What were you hoping for, to see Leo?” he said.

“No, we wanted to feel the rush of doing something wrong,” we responded.

He then let us stay for five more minutes and invited us back that night for a party.  We thanked him and asked if he was going to tell Mr. Dicaprio, he said, “Of course, but he’ll find it amusing.”   

That night we returned to the site of our crime, we thought if we didn’t show up it would be rude.  We saw Leonardo Dicaprio across the room talking to the security guard who caught us. The security guard pointed at us, and Leonardo Dicaprio walked towards us.  Our nerves hit us, we didn’t think we would be able to speak.

“I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted, if you ever come back the cops will be here in five minutes,” he said to us.

After he had threatened us, he joked around and said he was surprised something like that hadn’t happened before.  After our break in, he was increasing his security.

We never forgot that day, even after all these years,  it’s hard to believe how it all turned out, but it was worth the risk.    

The author's comments:

This story was inspired by my spring trip to California.

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