What I Have Become | Teen Ink

What I Have Become

May 15, 2019
By Anonymous

Luring him into the dark alley in the dead of night, I begin to pull out my throwing knives I had kept handy for moments like these where I felt insecure, as if I was in grave danger. As I saw a shadow come out at the end of the alley, I flung every single one of my knives at my attacker. It was the dead of night and, luckily, no one was around to witness what had happened. Even though I was penitent for killing him I felt as if I had no other choice, it was either my life or my assailant’s. Cautiously walking over to his body, which was just lying there, still as the night, I began to drag him toward one of the dumpsters in the back of the alley, feeling contrite with every step.

A few weeks later, I turn on the news only to see my face on the big screen that was my TV. Apparently, the police were wanting to ask me if I had known anything about what had happened. However, I knew that if I went up to the police and confessed the truth, I would surely be exiled. Now, as my face was all over the news, I knew I could not go anywhere or even do anything in public, as the risk of getting caught was too high. The feeling of alienation was evident now because all I could really do was stay hidden in the security of my home, rather than like before, where I had the freedom to do more things such as come to school everyday or go out to buy groceries at the grocery store each week.

Lying alone on my bed, I begin to think about what I have done and how immoral and wrong it was. This uncanny feeling which I was experiencing right at that moment was very unusual to me because I have never committed such a villainous act. With all of my lights turned off and my curtains closed so that no light could shine through my windows, I begin to get eldritch feelings as if my enemy, whom I took the life of, was going to come back for revenge.

The author's comments:

Hi, my name is Danny B. The topic of this short story that I wrote was about an individual being chased by an assailant, but ultimately kills him. Through writing this short piece, I imagined various ways that I could create a storyline that would be more surprising and unexpected, whether it be in the diction that I use or the action that is taking place within the story, in order to attract the reader and keep their attention. I truly appreciate you for taking time out of your day to read this short piece that I have written.

         Danny Bao was born in Mesquite, but his family moved to Dallas when he was about 2 years old, where he has lived for the entirety of his life from that point on. He is and has been a member of a lion dance team named Jiu Long Lion Dance troupe for a little over a year now. Within his school, he strives to obtain high grades in all his classes. He is also part of an organization within the school called Townview Ambassadors, which is an organization that volunteers at community events to support the community.

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