The Betrayal | Teen Ink

The Betrayal

May 15, 2019
By Anonymous

Suspecting treachery, I looked through his stuff. After finding compromising information, I speed to his job. Once there, I confronted him on colluding to scam me. He threatened to hurt me if I were to go with the police. One thing lead to another and we got in a high speed car chase.

While trying to get away, all I could think of was that Jovanny lied to me, making him a farce. Out of nowhere this group of people parodying the president get in my way. In a matter of minutes he catches up to me and manage to shoot me twice, once in the sinew, detaching my bicep to my shoulder bone, an once in my viscera.

Giving up wasn’t an option, either I kept going or died at the hands of who I thought was my friend. All of a sudden, my mind became clear, I was not about to be the victim of a worthless piece of garbage. I not only wanted restitution for my credibility and innocence being lost, but also retribution for having been backstabbed. As we headed towards a tunnel I bumped him with my car, and quickly slashed his tires.

At a point in the chase, I received unexpected help from two motorcycle guys, thus being able to acquire a pistol. As compensation I gave them all the cash I had on me.

When we arrived at a dead end, we began arguing. In a rush of anger, I took out my weapon and killed him, without and ounce of penitence. After standing there, staring at his body trying to comprehend what I had just done, it was clear that I wasn’t contrite. He had manipulated paperwork in order to frame me for laundering money, going as far as to try and kill me too. That hurt me the most, as I believed we were best friends, always being there for him in his darkest times, having several benevolent gestures.

Although i didn’t know at the time, my life was over after having killed him. I was exiled for both money laundering and murder. To make matters worse, my own family alienated me from any interaction with them, not wanting to understand my motives or even let me ask for forgiveness. However in a way, I understood where they were coming from, not being able to wrap their head around why their  “righteous” daughter was sitting in a jail cell. It seemed as if I was in a nightmare, all alone. While looking in the mirror, I couldn’t help but cry, realizing how uncanny my life had become. At times, I would see eldritch shadows, possibly it was my mind playing a trick on me, All I could hope for, is to one day be able to leave my past in the past.

The author's comments:

The writer, Anallely T., is 17 years old. She was born and raised in Dallas, TX. In the fall, she will be attending El Centro Community College. Some things she enjoys doing include; drawing, walking her dog, and spending time with her family.

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