Birdman begins | Teen Ink

Birdman begins

April 23, 2019
By Anonymous

The Compton streets are warm and filled with that California air. A cinema stands in the middle of a busy town street, worn down, but still playing. A young man by the name of Samuel Smith walks up to the cinema and gets a ticket to see the latest superhero movie.

“That’ll be 9.95 for one adult.”

    “Here you go.” Samuel said handing over a ball of cash.

    “Here's your change enjoy the movie.”

    “Thank you”

    “Next.” yelled the worker over Samuel.

    Samuel then walked into the cinema and gripped his popcorn he’d taken out of the trash and his water cup from home. He hadn't seen a movie in years but finally had gotten a job at a local grocer. The movie starts playing and a group of kids sit behind Samuel in the theater.

    “Hey check this out.” one boy whispered and took Sam’s cap.

    “Stop give it back!” Sam shouted at the boy but then held a look of regret as the boys outnumbered and were older.

    “What you gonna do?” said the same boy.

    “I'm going to kick your ass.” Sam said now turned around and standing his knees almost giving in to the pressure.

    “Ah- ha we’ll see, let's go out back and maybe i'll let you have your hat back.”

    Sam followed the boy to the alley and all of the boy’s friends followed as well. They both put up their fists and went at it. Sam took a severe beating. His eyes were both puffy from swelling and his lip was busted.

All the sudden the boy gets knocked out. His friends flee and a man walks towards Sam’s almost lifeless body against a fence. The man doesn’t say anything but covers Sam in what seems like a Mexican poncho. He then left but left a note crumpled in Sam’s pocket.

    Sam awakes after being semi conscious for about 20 minutes. The knocked out boy lay on the ground, not bloody but not awake. Sam lifted the kid up and laid him on a park bench so his friends could find him.

    After a long trip home Sam found himself in his driveway covered in blood and a random poncho. He gazed up at the tree in his lawn to see a bird fighting off a snake trying to eat it's eggs. Sam then entered the house to find it empty as usual. He showered and cleaned himself up and threw the poncho in the garbage. He then went to sleep waiting for his parents to get home.

Sam wakes up in a cold sweat. The poncho was around him and he freaked out. He threw the poncho against the wall in a tantrum.

“Samuel wear the poncho I have chosen you.” A voice said.

“What is this?!”

“Wear it and feels it's power Samuel.” then the voice faded.

Samuel then passed out into a deep sleep.

    Sam wakes up and heads to the kitchen. He makes breakfast and gets on the bus to go to school. On the bus kids pick on him and make fun of whatever he is wearing or doing. Sam didn’t mind and kept to himself ignoring the bullies. He thought back to the night before and the poncho and what it all meant.

    During 3rd block english Sam looks out the window to see a man in the distance staring in. His legs were like that of a bird: skinny in structure and long. He was wearing a trenchcoat and hat trying to hide his identity almost. The teacher then tapped on Sam’s desk.

    “Mr. Smith, not paying attention I see.” the teacher croaked.

    “No miss I’m reading.

    “Next time you start daydreaming think of a better plot for your short story.” said the teacher, Mrs. Bennet sliding a paper with a large red F on the front. Sam saw the grade and slumped down in his desk but looked out the window a second time. The man was gone.

Sam thought of it as a dream and disregarded it for the time being.

    Later Sam gets off the bus at his house. The door to his house had been busted open. Sam rushed in to see what had happened. When he got in he saw a big burly man sitting on the couch with a gun pointing at Sam.

    “Where is it?” the man said with a thick russian accent.

    “Where is what?” Sam anxiously said holding his hands up.

    “The poncho, i’ll only ask once.”

    “The trash, in the trash.”

    “Very good.” the man said getting up to look in the trash. He opened it up and found the poncho somehow clean and untouched. “Finally I have found you.” the man muttered to himself. He then pointed the gun at Sam. “Can’t leave any witness.” said the man as he shot the gun at Sam. The bullet fell to the floor. The poncho had flown out of the man’s hands and onto Sam protecting him from the bullet. “Impossible.” and the man unloaded more bullets into Sam but to no avail.

    “Samuel you can only hear me, hit him with all you got.” said the Poncho. Sam then punched the disoriented mobster blowing him through the wall.

    “What was that?!” Sam said stunned at his power.

    All the sudden a big winged man broke through the ceiling. He floated down towards Sam. It was the man he had seen at school.

    “Samuel come with me if you want to be fly another day.” the man yelled at Sam. Sam reached for his hand and the man flew away. Compton looked so beautiful from above and the wind brushed against Sam’s hair as he was flown away. He then passed out from the shock of the incidents.

    Sam awoke in a big room filled with computers and the floor and the walls were covered in sticks and brush.

    “What is this? where am i?” Sam said to the room.

    “You’re in my sanctum.” said a mysterious voice.

    “Who are you?”

    “I’m Detective Poncho-Birdman and I work for the world police.”


    “There is a lot to explain so i’ll fill you in now.” “I work for a top secret organization called the M.F.P.: the Main Force Patrol. We are much like the police but we work on a global scale and work to combat global threats. I am a Birdman: half bird, half human. I wasn’t born this way but accepted these powers bestowed upon me from the poncho, that selected me. You have been chosen by my poncho. The poncho can sense my fate and to keep my legacy alive as I am dying it selected a new owner. I contracted moon-cancer and right now it is stage four and there is no way to stop its growth into my bird-heart. The bad guys who attacked you were the terrorist group known as P.H.I.L. : People who Hate Integrity and Laws. It was started by a russian terrorist by the name of Pjillip Kalvin MkGraw. They sought me out for years trying to develop technology to match the power of the poncho and have come close to stealing my inventions and poncho as you saw. I need you Samuel to assume the identity and powers of Poncho-Birdman so the world can remain a free one.”

    “I don’t think im enough to save anything let alone the world.”

“Samuel the poncho chose you.”

“I can’t do it”

“Fine then go home and tell me the world doesn’t need heroes.”

“I have no stake in the fight.”

“Samuel your parents were tak-”

“What where are they?”

“They’re in P.H.I.L.’s headquarters they kidnapped right before the man arrived at your house and I wasn’t able to save them as P.H.I.L. got to your house faster than I could. I’m sorry kid and I won’t be able to save them soon as I am dying fast so make your choice.”
    “I’ll do it”

    “Excellent a ritual must be performed and I must give you the last piece of the gear.” said Birdman as he pulled out a large sombrero from his closet. “This will give you ultimate power and you must wear it at all times for maximum power and for the ritual.” said Birdman. Sam then put on the hat and poncho and Birdman started chanting “Bird akw bird squawk, Birdman bestow power onto Samuel Smith, next chieftain of the birdmen and owner of the poncho.”. The poncho then glew in bright yellows and reds and the colors shined so bright that nothing could be seen. “The ritual is done” said Birdman and the colors faded.

    “I feel funny.”

    “The bird appendages will replace yours now and it’ll not hurt.” said Birdman. Sam then screamed as both of his legs now appeared as a birds and his face grew a large beak. Sam’s upper body and arms grew double the size giving him abs, giant biceps, and pecs. “It is done.”

    “This is so weird, where do I start what do I do.”

    “I’ll train you but we have limited time so we will start now.” Birdman said as he grabbed Sam’s arm and flew off.

    Birdman flew Sam to a forested area in the middle of nowhere. Birdman and Sam trained for days on end. Each day Sam did a thousand sit ups, a thousand push ups, ran fifty miles, and practiced punching trees. Soon Sam grew very powerful and his bird powers amplified. It was on the 7th day that Sam was ready to prove himself.

    “You are ready Sam but you must fight me to become Birdman.” said Birdman.

    “Alright I’ll try.” Sam said cocking his fist.

    Birdman threw the first punch hitting Sam and knocking him into the forest and Birdman flew after him. While Birdman was flying overhead Sam flew up and knocking him out of the air. Sam then went on to him and was pummeling him into the ground. Sam was using all his power to keep Birdman down but then got struck in the head with a bird-kick. Sam was almost knocked out by the shear power of the kick. Quickly Sam regained his strength and punched Birdman again sending him into the ground. Birdman’s beak then was broken and he yielded.

    “No more Sam you have won.” said Birdman. “You are now the Birdman and I will fade into non-existence as you are fitting to replace me, also before I go you must fight Pjillip Kalvin MkGraw. His residence and secret lair are on the island of Occanah-Win-Nea, it's south of here and you must fly there. That is all I can tell you.”

    Then he faded away into the air and Sam cried but then realized what he needed to do. He put on Birdman’s poncho and sombrero.

    “Destruction is imminent and if it is not me who saves the world no one will. I need an alias though.” Sam said as an eagle flew above. “Eagleman.” He said as he looked towards the horizon. Eagleman he would now be from this day forth.

    Eagleman was flying towards the island. All the sudden out of nowhere helicopters with giant missiles shot at Eagleman. Eagleman narrowly escaped the missiles but then got hit with some machine gun fire. Eagleman then reflected some of the gun fire to the helicopters blowing up one and harming the other. He then clapped and a gush of wind sent the other helicopter into the sea below. Eagleman then flew more towards the island till he arrived at the beach.

    The island was heavily guarded and Eagleman flew onto the beach.The island had a giant volcano placed in the middle of it and had military outposts and soldiers everywhere. Eagleman sneaked to the first military style checkpoint. Eagleman was just out of the guards sight and he was talking to his coworkers.

    “Hey did you hear that new pseudo-hero is coming down to this island to come destroy our secret cannon housed in our main lair up this road and in the volcano?”

    “No i didn’t” responded the other guard.

    “Yeah the cannon is supposed to shoot some sort of laser into the moon and we are using it to threaten the world governments to give us dominance over them.”

    “Oh that's pretty cool.”

    Eagleman then crept out from under the guard tower and passed the guards making it passed the gate. The path was winding and guards were at every corner but Eagleman avoided them making sure to be swift and smart. Soon Eagleman was at the entrance of the volcano and he saw a giant door which he then opened. The door opened to reveal a giant cannon which then Eagleman went to.

    “Now, you like my cannon.” a voice said in the dark. The voice then revealed himself to be Pjillip Kalvin MkGraw. “The technology is indestructible you should stop now Birdman.”

    “It's Eagleman now”

    “Same thing, now you are in a lot of trouble.” Said Pjillip pulling out a giant claymore. “This isn’t my finally form, now, but I’ll kill you.” Pjillip said teleporting behind Eagleman. Eagleman caught the claymore with his wings and threw his sombrero at Pjillip in his wide chest. “Not bad for a rookie.” said Pjillip throwing the sword at Eagleman. Eagleman then caught the sword with his poncho and threw it back at Pjillip. Pjillip then teleported behind Eagleman then in front and kept teleporting disorienting Eagleman. Then a punch knocked out Eagleman rendering him unconscious. The last words Eagleman heard were, “Now you are gonna die.” .

    Eagleman awoke strapped to a chair in a room with his family all tied up. A bomb was ticking on a huge pile of nuclear explosives.

    “Mom, dad?” Eagleman said to them seeing if they were awake.

    “Son? You are dressed like a bird with mexican clothing?.” Said Eagleman’s father.

    “Eagle, nevermind with questions.”

    “Oh alright.”

    “What did he do to you guys?”

    “He tortured me and punched your mom in that face.”

    “I will kill him for that when I get free.”

    “We can’t get free these ropes are made anti-human material.”

    “I got an idea.” Eagleman said as he thought of pecking the rope away. Quickly Eagleman worked pecking away at the rope till all of it was gone then releasing his parents. “You guys need to get out of here!”. Eagleman looked around for something to get his parents out of there. Eagleman then saw a submarine and remembered his dad was in the navy and motioned them to it. “Quickly take their submarine and go back to Compton and alert the MFP!”

    “I haven’t driven a submarine in a long time Sam!” said his father carrying his mother.

    “Don’t care about it now just go!”

    “I see you have gotten out now, you are going to witness my final form.” Pjillip said coming from the shadows. His head quickly became three and his body became stronger and more powerful. “I took super serum and now I will destroy you Birdman.”

    “It's Eagleman, and now I will defeat you.” Eagleman shouted and then flew into the beast as it clapped at Eagleman like a fly. Eagleman remembered losing Birdman to get to this battle, a friend he had cherished and a mentor he had loved, and it fueled him to make him be more powerful than ever. Eagleman pecked at the monsters eyes rendering all but one of the six eyes blind. Eagleman whipped his poncho at the monster and then flew into the monster punching him millions of times in seconds. Eagleman punched away organs, blood, and bone. Soon nothing was left of the monsters stomach but a hole. The monster punched Eagleman into the wall creating a hole. Then the monster lept and punched the hole even more but the punch was held. A force was pushing back from the hole and pushing the monster back. Eagleman then arose from the hole pushing the monster back till he could go no more. Then Eagleman let go and the monster went charging to the wall at such a velocity that it exploded on impact. The monster was dead and Eagleman had to defuse the nuclear bomb and destroy the cannon.

    Soon Eagleman worked to destroying the cannon throwing his sombrero at it blowing it up with one toss. Then the bomb was ticking. Nothing could stop the bomb so Eagleman knew what he had to do. His parents hadn’t left yet. His mom was awake and they had been standing on the top of the submarine. Eagleman looked at them and said “I love you dad and mom even though our relationship has not been the best, I love you.”

    “Son i’m sorry, I wasn’t the best father but I worked days and night to support the family and your mother spent a lot of time working at the hospital. We weren’t the best and we know that. I’m sorry but through all we love you Sam, more than anything could ever.” said his father. Eagleman’s mother and father then hugged him.

    “I have to fly this bomb in the air as this island is close to the shore and would blow up all of North America if detonated.” Eagleman continued “I must fly it into space killing me and saving the lives of the free world.”. Eagleman then grabbed the bomb and flew up. His parents weeped but looked up in amazement at their sons glory. Eagleman flew into space with the bomb after a few minutes and then it detonated. The bomb created a giant light show in the sky and His parents weeped even more. The M.F.P. arrived not much later to the island arresting all guards and taking back assets stolen from the government. Eagleman’s parents went back home and prepared a funeral service and continued to live on cherishing their son’s memory. Eagleman wasn’t seen after that but his sacrifice was known throughout the world. Every kid and every adult knew Eagleman’s name and many monuments and memorials were dedicated to him. Everything ended up good and everyone was happy but Eagleman was dead, the end.

The author's comments:

I am a troubled writer. I weaved in a lot of my own personal experiences and beliefs into these motifs and imprinted myself upon the fiction genre. 

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