mission Caribbean | Teen Ink

mission Caribbean

April 11, 2019
By Anonymous

    Mission Carribean



“Are you ok?”

“Yeah thanks, I spilled some coffee on me but yeah I'm good thank you,” said a young woman

“Ok cool just checking on you be careful though next time, you're lucky it wasn't hot” stated Deandre

“For sure thanks, Deandre see you around” replied the woman





Deandre gets in his car and turns on the radio he's driving through his hometown of Brooklyn New York when he hears something on the way to a classified meeting

“Today near the Caribbean a well-known scientist by the name of Ricardo Diaz from New York was found on an island the president of the United States claims he will send an experienced small rescue team to save Mr. Diaz and bring him back home too safety”

“God I hope he's alright I heard those islands are ruthless covered with animals and savage native people” said Deandre to himself

Deandre got out of his car and a huge building stares him down he goes inside to attend his meeting




‘Name?” said the receptionist

“Deandre Walker I'm here for a meeting with the president” replied Deandre

“Oh yes Mr. Walker you can take the elevator it's the 33rd-floor room 217,” said the receptionist

“Thank you,” said Deandre quickly on the way to the room

Deandre opens the door and to his surprise, there's no one there but what appears to be a man that's in his mid-40s it looks like he could still do things someone his age couldn't. he has a nicely trimmed beard and is well built

“Who are you-you're not the president,” said the man

“Listen my name is Deandre Walker and I was called over for a confidential meeting I think we're that rescue team too save that scientist guy,” said Deandre

“My names Leonard but you can call me Leo I use to work for the military I started back when I was eighteen but about 10 years ago I retired because I was shot and brutally injured. If I walked without help my body would just collapse on itself I wanted to give up on life but I kept at it. The president called me up though he needed me for something and told me to come down here,” said the army veteran

The president walks in the door and takes a seat across from the two men

“Look boys I know you've been waiting for a while so I'll just get to the point if you didn't hear already Ricardo Diaz is stranded out in the Caribbean and I need a team to go out and find him. Those two people are you. Tomorrow you will get on a helicopter and will be supplied with weapons don't use them unless you absolutely need too but when you leave don't tell anyone not even your closest friends or family just say you're going on a vacation don't disclose anything but all I need to know is if you're up for it. The government will send you a big check once a month for the rest of your life if you accept but I need to know if you're on board” explained the president

“I need the money so I can finally retire and live with my family I'm all in” said Leo

“I guess I do need to pay back some people but why did I even get called down here,” said Deandre

“I've seen you in college Deandre you're very intelligent you're at the top of you're class and you're a top tier athlete you're very strong and smart my cabinet suggested I choose someone experienced like Leo but I chose you specifically because of your traits and abilities that's why I'm asking you if you're coming it's very dangerous and risky but it's very rewarding” replied the president

“I'll go,” said Deandre




The helicopter lands on a foreign island in the Caribbean

“You're all strapped up right?” said Leo

“Yeah radio and everything we can talk to the helicopter pilot and some people back home who say they could detect heat signatures,” said Deandre

“Sounds good let's head to the northern part of this island we might find him there,” said Leo

“Phbsh anyone there?” said the voice across the radio

“Yeah we're here what's up?” replied Deandre

“We just got heat signatures that Mr. Diaz is near the center of the island,” said the voice

Leo nodded his head in agreeance and the radio turned off

“What's that over there?” asked Leo

“Is that Ricardo Diaz?” asked Deandre

Sprinting a young Hispanic man approaches the group of two. He has dark brown eyes and long black messy hair. He's covered in dirt and has berry stains on his raggedy shirt. He also appears to have ripped up pants and torn shoes. It looks like he's been stranded here in this island for a while and somehow has managed to survive such a long time

“Who are you guys I need to get out of here,” said Ricardo running over to Deandre and Leo

“No time to explain but we came to rescue you and you need to get into a helicopter and well fly you back to New York” explained Deandre

Right behind Ricardo Diaz was a mob of native people. Every step they took in unison it sounded like a clap of thunder. They approached the group of three pacing towards them. Some of them had mud on their faces homemade arrows on their back and bows in their hands. They looked angry and bloodthirsty and it appeared if no action would be taken they would meet their demise.







“Get in get in get in” screamed Deandre

Quickly the native people approached the helicopter and one by one someone would get in

“Deandre what In the world are you doing” yelled Leo at Deandre

Deandre didn't say anything he unpacked his weapon shoving ammunition into the gun. Looking through the scope directly at the mob he began to shoot. The helicopter had no time and their only choice was to leave without the heroic young man. Fleeing the area the helicopter took flight and Leo began to open fire but eventually, the island would be out of sight and there would be no reason to shoot anymore. Soon Deandre would run out of ammo and would be forced to overtake what was rest of the mob without a weapon. Deandre's body would never be able to be retrieved. Back home Ricardo Diaz found cures for many diseases and Leonard the army veteran passed the rest of his life with his family.

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