Too Young | Teen Ink

Too Young

March 31, 2019
By HaileyBlackburn BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
HaileyBlackburn BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hi, my name is Timmy. I am 8 years old. My favorite thing to do is ride my bike around my neighborhood when it is nice outside. My mom always tells me to be careful when crossing the street, so I am. On a nice sunny day, I was riding my bike in the neighborhood when I heard very loud noises and possibly a scream. So, I hopped off my hot wheels bike and struggled to push it while I walked toward where the noise was coming from. When I finally reached the noise, I sat my bike down gently in the grass and noticed a man and a woman talking to each other. They were in each other's faces and being really loud. They were waving their hands around and using their middle fingers. That was funny because I usually point  at someone with my index finger. I couldn't really understand what they were shouting about so I got closer and hid behind a tree. I was getting ready to listen to what they were talking about when the man pulled out something black from the back pocket of his jeans, it almost looked like one of my Nerf guns. Oh, maybe they were playing a game and he was mad that he lost! She started to back away and she looked kind of nervous. I would be too because those Nerf guns hurt. She started begging for mercy and then she screamed for help. Wow, they're really getting into it, I thought. Then, suddenly I heard a huge boom. I fell down and put my hands over my ears squeezing as hard as I could. The big boom rattled my brain and all I could hear was ringing. I stood up in a daze, confused as to what just happened. My Nerf guns are not that loud. I look from behind the tree and only see the woman on the ground. There was blood surrounding her head. I stood there, in shock. I thought to myself, wow that was really great acting, they even had fake blood! I walked back to my bike, and went home. On the way home I was thinking about how me and my friends could play a cool Nerf game like they just did.

The author's comments:

A story about a young kid experiencing something he cant quite wrap his head around. He is too young to understand. 

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