Warriors | Teen Ink


February 20, 2019
By Anonymous

Her brother, Li Wei, was her only family. Her mother had died giving birth to her, and her dad had died from smallpox just two years before. She decided to act out her revenge on anyone who had crossed her path and had planned on hurting anyone. She beat them harder than Michael Johnson bests his grades into the ground and then sets them on fire and sends them to hell. (Roger Sparks) There was once a fine and prosperous town in a rural community in Wuhan, which housed the most incredible warrior known to man. Her, yeah that’s right, her, name was Cayden Davis, and she sliced the heads off of anyone who would talk behind her back, or harm the lives of innocents like someone slicing through sushi.

Her signature weapon that would signal death to any of her adversaryies’s. The Joker’s Katana, it had belonged to her now deceased brother who had been killed by an Ottoman soldier when they were children. It was sharper than the edge of a razor, harder than steel, and glistened like the purest of gold.

While Cayden was on her way to slay the dragon of Milan, she noticed a band of notorious warriors on the horizon. She had suspected that they were on a quest to pillage a town of their resources and burn it down, which is what they had been known to do ruthlessly. She decided to astray form her quest to stop these maniacs.

When she had rode up to about 50 yards away, she got off her horse in order to get the jump on them, since they had outnumbered her and outgunned her. She snuck up behind someone who had looked to have the job as a lookout. She wrapped one hand around his mouth and nose and the other around his stomach,  and pulled behind a nearby bush, and slit his neck, and hid him within the bush.

She walked up behind another man that was peeing away from the camp. She bolted at him like a lightning bolt, and shoved her knife  into his spine, and put cloth over his mouth so as not to warn the other men.

There were now five men left. Still too much for her to handle. S, she would have to take out at least one more warrior. But they were all circled around a fire. They were sure to notice that three of their men had been killed. She would wait for one of them to search for the missing men.

One of the men had seemed to notice one of the other men had left because he started looking around erratically, then he leaned in towards the fire and whispered something that she was not able to understand.

They all stood up slowly and reached for their weapons and shields. They each fanned out slowly as to not pass by their trespasser. Then one man walked  just feet beside her. , Sshe decided to get him now while she still had the chance to attack him from behind and then take on the party of warriors. As she got up slowly and quietly, she walked up behind, ready to pounce on him like a ferocious tiger.  

As she got closer, something hit her, something hard. She could feel the blood rushing down her neck and back as it soaked her shirt. At this point she was laying face down onto the ground. She rolled over to look at her attacker. To her shock it was a woman. She had a malevolent look in her eyes. Cayden must not have seen her. Then blackness filled her eyes and her eyelids became heavy., She slowly closed her eyes as she had passed out.



She awoke to raspy screams coming from her left of her cell. She felt her face pressed onto a cold hard cement floor. She tried to get up, but she felt limp as she tried. Her muscles were tight and sore as if she had been training for the past day. Then she felt the hunger within her, an excruciating, heart wrenching pain filled her stomach. She layid there, unable and unwilling to move.

She looked over to her side with the little strength she had., Wwhat she saw would be stuck in her head forever. She saw a woman whose side was split open. She could see a dark red sack halfway out of the old wound. The woman looked old, dirty, and dying. The woman’s last cry for help was filled with dread and sorrow. And her eyes lost their color and faded into a light gray color.

Almost for what seemed hours later she heard tiny pit pats walking down a long corridor. The pit pats slowly turned into steps, and those steps slowly turned into marching. Then they stopped, right in front of her. She heard the jingling of keys. Then she heard the person insert the key and turn the lock on the door she could not see in the darkness.

Then the door opened and an illuminated shadow of a tall burly man. He walked up to her and easily lifted her limp body over his shoulder. He walked out of the room and locked the door. Then he started through a long narrow hallway. When they passed a barred window, the pain of sunlight was intense, like she was staring at a red sun from three miles away.

She remembered being thrown onto the ground in front of a large golden chair, and a man bellowing to pick her up. The man who had carried her to the large room picked her up to face the small man with a fu manchu. When the man picked her up he set down his sword, and with all the willpower she had she pushed off the man, grabbed his sword and sliced the small man and jumped out a nearby window.

She jumped  aimlessly, not caring weather or not she landed on dirt and died. She then jumped out and ran as far as her legs could take her into the horizon.

The author's comments:

I'm in 7th grade and i had 5 days to write this, please bear with me...bare with me? Idk, but it was difficult, thanks fo giving it a chance tho <3

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