The Day it all went Wrong | Teen Ink

The Day it all went Wrong

January 26, 2019
By Goldenunicorn0402 BRONZE, Flossmoor, Illinois
Goldenunicorn0402 BRONZE, Flossmoor, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As Sarah sat in the therapist's office she recalled the day where it all went wrong
As a high school junior, she sat in math class half listening to the lesson when the bell suddenly rang.
Walking out of class she plugged in her headphones, as usual, to help drown out the rest of the world
As she dragged herself down the hallway....Crash! glass shattered everywhere,children screaming,teachers running,others crying
"Quickly, she thought "I must find a place to hide"
Nearly out of breath she sprinted inside the bathroom stall crouching down and reached down for her phone
Her best friend Adena had called,texted,and left nearly 20 voice messages to see if she was alright
Reading the messages Adena explained there was a gunshot and emphasized the importance of getting as far away from the front of the school as possible
Sarah sat there immobilized by fear on the floor of the stall,too scared to move,think,or breath
Out of no where a sudden urgency to leave came over her
She then peered out of the bathroom and ran to the nearest classroom she could find,she grabbed the handle to open it but found it locked
Next classroom locked
The third locked
Doors to the lunchroom,locked
She was now alone in an empty hallway with no where to go but back towards the bathroom a her only safe place left
On her back to bathroom,careful not to make a sound, she heard slow but heavy footsteps stepping in the direction towards the bathroom
She knew that place was no longer an option
Entering the long dark hallway she could see the door,that would guarantee her safety in sight
"Slow and steady",she thought 
"No noise means they can't find me",she said to herself as she counted her steps towards the door
"One step,two step,three step",she thought counting the steps would make the door seem closer and take her mind off the fact it was only her out in the open with a possible murderer
"20 step,25th step",pacing her steps and taking deep breaths her freedom was so close she could taste it
"one more step and I'm free, safe," she thought just as she touched the doorknob and, Bang!, gunshot
Just past her face only grazing the side of her cheek,she turned and saw a man roughly two years older than her with a gun in his hand pointing in her direction
She stood frozen in fear,not knowing what to do or what would happen next
She was stuck like a piece of gum to the ground 
"Move!,Run!,Do anything but stand here!",she screamed inside her head as she tried to will her body to do anything but stand still,frozen in sheer panic
But her body refused to cooperate
As the man stepped closer towards her she could feel her breathing quicken,she could pass out right there,on the spot
He was 6'3 standing over her like a giant, as he put his gun away and raised his bear-like hand towards her face, then he...

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for an English class assignment. I was supposed to write a short story about anything I wanted. Then soon I fell in love with not only my piece but creative writing in general. So, I thought I'd share this piece with others and get their opinions on it

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