Scr4p | Teen Ink


January 15, 2019
By Anonymous

I wake up… to a slight warmth.  I look up to see a young girl smiling down on me.  I look down and see rusted, warped metal with bolts and screws barley holding them together.

Where am I?   

I don’t know, but that doesn't matter in a room  where we are stuck in an endless loop of nothing.  It’s a dark room with no windows, With a bed to the right, a table and two chairs to the left and a door on the far wall.

                 Who am I?

I don’t know, but that doesn't matter in a world where time doesn't exist.  I try to move but my legs won't work. The girl on the other side of the room is sitting quietly on her knees.  She looks happy, but sad at the same time. With a big smile on her face she waves for me to come to her.

Who is she?

I don’t know, but that doesn't matter in a room where the clock never strikes noon.  I Try to walk to her, step by step it gets easier and easier. Even the creaking echoing through my hollow, empty body couldn't stop me from moving.  Soon crawling turned to walking, then walking turned to running. Then soon enough, I broke… But the girl was always there to fix my broken body. But After awhile she would disappear for prolonged periods of time, and though i cannot sleep I dreamt of her in colors that do not exist.  Whenever she came back she would tell me about where she was but I could never talk back for I cannot speak. I've always felt bad for her, the experiments they do to her, the treatment she gets and i could do nothing to comfort her and i hated myself for it.


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