Fiction Story | Teen Ink

Fiction Story

January 3, 2019
By Anonymous

A single gunshot was fired. Loud… and still ringing in my ear like a bee buzzing for honey. What have I done? I thought. I may have just killed that man. That man… I always hated that man. I absolutely hated him. He would always get so violent with my mother, and get so abusive with me, That man, who I can’t even say his name, was a liar and a cheater. That man always used all of our money that we worked hard for on himself and his stupid work. He would always come home late and make up some sort of excuse every day. He would always make me do his housework, otherwise, if I didn’t, he would threaten me.

After what just happened, I was still in shock. I was still replaying what just happened in my head over and over again. That man and my mother were fighting. As soon as I saw the house messed up and the door was open to the backyard, I knew something was wrong. He brought out a suspicious object, but my mom flung it out of his hands, tackled him down, and put her arms around his neck. I was so scared.

I ran over to see what the object was and it was a gun. A gun? I wondered. I was holding the gun in my hand and watched the fight go on. My mom kept on telling me to run, but I couldn’t move. I was watching him beat her up, watching him have more power over her, and watched him walk over to me.

“Give me the gun.”

I held onto the gun.

“I won’t ask again. Give me the goddamn gun!” He hollered.

He was getting close. Too close. My hands were shaking so badly and the trigger went off. He fell to the floor, and my mom ran over to me, clenching her arm, and hugged me.

“And that’s how I ended up here,” I told the police officer.

“Could you tell me who the man was?” The officer asked.

But I looked down at my cuffed hands.

“You don’t have too if it-” I cut him off.

“My dad… T-that man was my dad… and.” I stopped talking and looked back up at the officers.

“And what?”

I didn’t say anything.

“Please, You have to tell me everything so I can understand.”

“A-and, my dad has a gang.” I stuttered

“A gang?”

I nodded my head.

“Do you know anyone in the gang?”

I shook my head ‘No’.

“How long have you known?”

“About 6 months..” I paused. “But he threatened to kill me if I told my mom or called the police.”

I watched the officer write everything down. Word for word.

“I will be back.” and he took his noted and left me in the bare, dark small room. I just sat there, With a depressed look on my face, wondering how my mom feels about all of this. Sitting in the room for at least 30 minutes, I finally heard the door open, but there were two new people who came and that same officer who asked me questions earlier. The two new people both had formal wear on. Wearing suits, and looking very professional. They looked like they worked for the C.I.A or something.

“Wh-.” I tried to ask, but I got cut off.

The offer said This is Agent Carwell,” pointing to the left. It was a lady. With long brunette wavy hair. Who kind of wore way too much makeup.

“And this is Agent Rider,” pointing to the man left of Agent Carwell. A man who was skinny and tall. A little lean, but was kind of cute looking. He had brown hair.

An awkward silence grew upon us after the officer introduced them to me.

“Oh, by the way. They both work for the FBI.”

I blankly stared at them. Kind of shocked and surprised.

“Am I in trouble?” I finally ask by having the courage to speak.

“No. You are not in trouble. You are safe.” Agent Carwell said.

“Safe? I'm confused.”

“Let me tell you a little story. Your father has been the most wanted man in America. He kills for a living and no one knows about it. He kills anyone who gets in his path.” Agent Rider exclaimed.

“So why are you here then?” I asked confusingly.

“We’re here to finally put a stop to your father’s doing’s once and for all. He always gets away from us.” Carwell said while walking around the table. “And we need your help.”

“What could I possibly do to help? I shot my own father and his little posse it out and about somewhere waiting in the shadows for their next victim.”

Rider had his eyebrow furrowed. “You’ll be able to help us track them down.”

“If I help, what’s in for me?”

“You won’t be sentenced to jail.”

I thought about the option that I had.

“If I join, will you make sure that my mom is safe?”

They both looked at each other and exchanged glances. They were shocked.

“You mean, your mom didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“Nothing. I guess you will have to find out and see.”

“Tell me what? What did she not tell me?”

They both open the door and an officer comes in and takes me. I’m loaded onto a truck and was taken somewhere. I slowly drifted off to sleep. I was awoken by loud banging.

“Wake up, We are here!” The voice was muffled.

“Where exactly is here?”

“See for yourself.” The door opened and the officer took me by the arm, took off the handcuffs and walked me to the large building.

“So this is where the FBI’s building is. You know, I always wanted to be a detective of some sort.”

“Oh, we know.” Rider said.

“Wait, how do you know?”

“You’ll see. Believe you’ll see.”

As we were walking up the stairs and into the building, I saw so many people. So many workers for the FBI. A lot of them looked at me. Looked like they were judging me, but I could care less. I forgot I was still wearing the orange jumpsuit. There were so many doors to this place, I got so lost. We were walking for about 10 minutes.

“So, Agent Carw-.”

“Please, call me Hailey.”

“So, Hailey... How long have you been in the FBI?”

She gave me a stern look and didn’t answer me back.

“We’re here.” Rider said.

Two big doors opened and there was a room full of agents. There were so many computers, and two large screens to track down anyone. But, there was also a woman in a red dress. That red dress. I swear I have seen it before.

“She’s here, boss,” one of the agents said to her.

She turned around. She was one of the prettiest women I have ever seen in my life. She had pretty blonde hair and blue eyes. Weird thing is that her eye color was the same as mine. She turned around and gave me a big hug.

“Umh, should I know you?”

She released me from the hug and had a sad look on her face.

“No, probably not. I wouldn’t expect you to know who I was even though I have with you for your entire life.”

I thought for a moment but had nothing. I shrugged my shoulders. She looked down and hesistated to speak.

“Sara... It’s me... Your mom.”

My eyes went so wide. I took a step back.


“I know that this is a lot to take in, and I will try and tell you everything that you need to know. But I need you to help me catch the rest your fath-.”

She stopped talking.

“Your dad’s gang.”

I was still trying to process everything. I was pacing back and forth. My arms were crossed.

“Wait, let me get this straight. You’re telling me that you’re my mother and you are the boss of the FBI and you couldn’t even tell your own daughter that?”

“I wanted to tell you, but your father knew, and if I told you. He would have killed you, and I couldn’t let that happen.”

I shook my head slowly, trying to process everything I have just learned. My mom is the head of the C.I.A and my dads' gang is the most wanted in America for selling drugs.

“What about the police?” I asked her curiously.

“The police and the C.I.A are working together to capture your father’s gang. Once we were told everything from that police officer you were talking too, we knew you were going to help us.”

She turned her head and looked me up and down. Nodding her head in disappointment.

“Hailey, please take my daughter to get on some new clothes.”

Hailey nodded her head made eye contact with me to follow her. We were walking all around the place. Seeing awesome gadgets and useful devices. She stopped.

“Your room. Right next to your mothers' office.”

As I opened the door, Hailey mumbled something, but I didn’t hear her. I found my bedroom. A lot of my stuff from my real house was here. I found clothes neatly folded on the bed as if they knew I was coming. I took off my ugly orange jumpsuit, looking at my reflection, from a mirror, looking at the scars from him. I quickly put on the ripped black skinny jeans and a think black short sleeved shirt. I sat down on the springy, yet comfy bed and took off the prisoner shoes. I slipped on plain white socks and wore black high top converse. After tying my shoes, I quickly fixed my hair by putting it into a messy bun, walking out and closing the door, walking back with Hailey to the main room.

When we made it back to the room, everyone was looking at the second big screen because they found the location of my dad’s gang. New Jersey. My mom quickly looked back. “Good. You’re back. I’m going to pair you up with Spencer, so he can help you with your training. I know you have some basic knowledge, but we really need you for this.”

He stood up and walked over to me. He shook my hand.

“Hey,” he said

He was tall, thin and had some muscle. He had silky brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes.

“C’mon, lets go.”

We started walking, but my mom held him back.

“Make sure you teach her how to shoot a gun and fight back. But also the basics as well.” She whispered to him.

He shook his head and we both walked to training grounds. He opened the door for me, and we were in the training grounds.

“So, I’m going to teach you all the basics and how to shoot a gun.”


His eyes narrowed at me. “What?” He crossed his arms.

“Please. I already know how to do this.” Putting my hands on my hips. “I took four years of karate, and when I was twelve, my dad taught me how to shoot a gun.”

He raised one of his eyebrows. “You… What?”

“My dad was a police officer. Or so I thought. He wasn’t who I thought he was. He pretended to be a officer for so many years.”

He stared at me blankly. “Sara… I’m sorry…”

“Ehh. It’s fine. To be honest, I’m actually glad that he’s gone because he never cared about me or my mom. He was never a good father, nor a good husband. But I mean, when I was six, he was very nice and cared about us. For some reason, something changed inside of him to make him who he was.”

He put his hand on my shoulder.

“No one should have to go through that alone. I’m here if you want to talk, even though I just met you.”

I blushed a little, but had a faint smile.


An awkward silence grew upon us.

“So, lets get to work.”

We walked over to the guns.

“Talk is cheap. Lets really see how good you are.”

He pushed a button and these targets came out. I picked up a median size gun. I was able to hide it in my clothes. I looked at him.


I rolled my eyes. Aimed the gun,, and started shooting every single target. When I ran out of ammo, all seven targets had deep holes in the center of them. His eyes were wide and his mouth was open.

“So, how did I do?” I asked with a cheesy smile on my face.

“You did great…”

“What’s next?”

“Um.. I guess we’ll go straight to the gadgets. SInce you’re good at fighting, but do you know how to protect yourself?”

“Mhm!” I nodded ‘yes.’

We both walked over to the gadgets. He was still shocked about what just happened. “Spy glasses, Hidden cameras, GPS Tracker, Earpiece, Taser… But we mostly use the hidden cameras, GPS Trackers and earpiece.”

All of a sudden, a loud, noisy, annoying alarm went off and we both rushed into the main room. I was so confused.

“What’s happ-.”

“No time to speak. This is a code red and we need to go.”

Everyone was getting ready. Grabbing weapons. The weird thing was is that the location was in downtown New York and that secret hiding base in New Jersey was a fluke. So many cars were arriving to the location. A old train station. I wonder what they would be doing here. I couldn’t jump to any conclusions though. We were all carefully walking through the old train station. I had my gun with me, hiding, but was ready to take charge is someone attacked. Although, there was no one here. Or at least I thought. I heard someone yelling for help, and then a gunshot. The rest of my dad’s gang came out and started to shoot. One of them held me, pointing a gun at my brain. But I was able to get out my hidden gun and shoot him. Gross… I never liked killing people… But I did what I had to do to protect myself. We were able to capture the rest of my dads gang, and got them all in handcuffs. I was still very curious about who was yelling for help before.

“Sara.. No!” My mom yelled out.

I saw this man behind bars. He looked up and saw. His eyes were very wide. It looked like he was about to cry. I was very confused. My mom came out behind me. She pulled me back.

“Melissa…” He cried.

That was my mom's’ first name. How did he know her name.

“Who is this man?”

She didn’t answer me back.

“Who is this man and how does he know your name!” I yelled.

She took two steps back from me.

“Sara… This is your father…”

The end.

I’m leaving this fiction story on a cliffhanger. I eventually might make a part 2.

The author's comments:

I hope you enjoy this mystery fiction piece.

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