Lets get this garbage | Teen Ink

Lets get this garbage

December 1, 2018
By Anonymous

One day a mad scientist who goes by the name of Doctor Schwortz, created a very interesting theory. His theory about this strange and mysterious garbage can is quite simple. Everytime someone puts a piece of garbage inside of the garbage can it consumes the garbage like food. So periodically the garbage can grows at a miniscule rate that no one can actually notice. So here's the really important part to this mad mans theory, yeah he might not have much evidence to back this up but that's pretty much what a theory is. Anyways, he believe that at any moment on a steamy summer day, the garbage can will morph into this super garbage can and it will use all the nutrients that it sucked from all the garbage to morph into a living garbage can. Once it has morphed into a living thing it will walk the earth picking up and eating all the garbage that it can until it turns into a super garbage can.  

2 years later on a hot summer day...

Super garbage can is ready for action, taking on the city of chicago, alongside of him is his buddy garbage can’t. They have known eachother since they were mini cans. They call themselves The WM boys. They are ready for a smelly, trashy, raccoon infested battle. They live on the eastside of chicago. Their enemies are called The plastic-cas, they are big mean plastic water bottles and they are EVERYWHERE!! The WM boys are here to help save their planet by picking up unwanted trash. The Plastic-cas want to to the opposite, they throw themselves in water, playgrounds, train stations, all over the city and the WM boys have had a enough of their garbage. Garbage can wanted to talk to The plastic-cas because he and garbage can’t did not want this little feud to end up in a battle, so on November 3rd, 2047 garbage can sent a letter to One of the plastic-cas and had asked them to kindly not throw their water bottles everywhere. When one of the plastic-cas received the letter he gave it to the leader of the plastic-cas Dasani. Once he had read the letter he decided to send back a message to garbage can giving him a date to meet up and talk about their situation. Once garbage can met up at the address Dasani had sent him

He walked in just to see a bunch of dasani water bottles all over the cafe where they were meeting at.

“You’ve been fooled” said the poster on the wall.

All garbage can wanted was to have a civil conversation with dasani  about his littering habits, and that was the start of the battle between the WM Boys and Dasani. The battle started on November 10th, 2047 at 3pm. The city was silent, it was almost like everyone knew that this day would come. Know one really knew how this had happened but everyone in the city of chicago got a warning to stay inside at all times until the battle between The WM Boys and Dasani was over, But know one knew how long the battle was going to be so they had to be prepared at all times. The Start of the battle was The WM boys putting huge recycling bin booby traps all over the city of chicago, as Dasani was planning their trap for The WM boys they fell right into one of the recycling bins. Something you did not know about these bins is that they will eat and destroy anything that falls into them. Dasani was so sure they were going to win this battle that they only sent out 2 water bottles to fight this battle, that was a mistake. It is now 4 booby traps to one Disani, and it was not looking to good for Disiani. As it seemed like the slowest hour for chicago

Dasani finally surrendered. “Fine, Boys you win, as i am sure i can speak for all of us bottles we are sorry we did not clean up after ourselves. For know on we will throw ourselves into the recycling bin” The Battle lasted a total of 4 hours and 38 minutes. “Lesson learned, pick up your water bottles” said Garbage can. And that is when the city of chicago thanked The WM Boys for all their hard work on keeping the city clean.

The End.

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