a fun day at the lake | Teen Ink

a fun day at the lake

August 8, 2018
By allancamerillo BRONZE, San Juan Capistrano, California
allancamerillo BRONZE, San Juan Capistrano, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today i am very excited because i'm finally going on that camping /fishing trip with my friends mylissa michael and joey. Its been post pone twice once in spring break and the other winter break . im so excited the landscape is beautiful a huge lake to go fishing boating and swimming in the sun is out all day the water is like a crystal blue. I get home from school i have a smile on my face i open the door to my house i run up my room i open the door get all the essential myphone myphone charger my portable charger  my bag full of clothes and my deodorant. I run downstairs and say i love you to my mom and dad run to my friends car that waiting for me in front of my house the ride to the campgrounds was about four hours long i fell asleep for two hours. The other two i was on my phone play games. We finally get there and we rush out the car right where we get out the car the heat is unbearable instantly we start sweating . we quickly change into our bathing suits and we instantly jump into the lake. Michal just shouted “ relax ation at its best” malyssa added “ you go that right”  joey just stayed quiet. After we cooled of for a second we started unloading everything out of the car it was four tents a table a tarp and and five chairs we had brought some canoes on top of the car to go canoeing in the lake. After we set out every thing our bathing suits where dry and our foreheads were sweaty. Before we knew it we were jumping into the water again. We were so exhausted but the heat was to great we had to stay in the water, as a matter afact at night it was so hot i had to wake up get out of my tent and jump into the water. The very next morning we went out canoeing at we got separated from michael's parents we found like a little diving spot we got bak in our canoes and we tried to look for michals parents turns out we got even more lost we pull into a little bit and we had a survival kit with instruction on how to make a fire a fire starter three thermal blankets i gave mine to joey some line and a couple of hooks. We made the fire we caught the fish we camped out there for the night . the next morning we set out to find the camp out we explore into the forest and find a little cabin in the middle of the wood. We bring kids knock on the door and like no one answered there was a sign in there that said “ if you are reading this it's already too late” . turn around and see a 6 foot man looking down on us we screamed and closed our eyes when we pointed them the man was gone. We heard the voices of michals parents screaming our names out “ mojo michal malyssa joey we all screamed “ over hear” i was on the verge of crying but i managed to hold it in.we all ran and hugged the telling them what happened all at once. They said settle down one at a time. I managed to settle down and said “we got lost and survived for the night and in the morning we decided to explore around and the we found a house when we walked in there was a sign that said if you…” that's when i had a flashback of the face of the tall man he had a deformed face all dirty and groose. We all turned around and saw that the house was nowhere to be found. And when we turned around and the man was there holding a large butcher knife and… that's when i woke up but today is the day i go on my camping/fishing trip with michael melissa and joey.

The author's comments:

i got inspierd by the lake of lake havasu and the paronoia of my beast friend

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