Villanova | Teen Ink

Villanova MAG

By Anonymous

   Villanova, PA: Villanova has the reputation of being a Catholic university with good morals as well as an excellent curriculum, but unfortunately these qualities were erased from my mind the second I walked into the admissions office. I sat down with my father and we started looking at last year's yearbook which was on display. On every page there was a student toasting with a shot of vodka, chugging a beer or discussing the importance of their twenty-first birthday. I understand that there is a lot of drinking at college which does not bother me to a great extent, but as an introduction to an educational institution, I found it disappointing. Not only was it disappointing to me, but my father who was reading the yearbook with me was not about to let me go to a college where drinking is emphasized so much.

After seeing the yearbook, I took a tour and saw priests walking around campus. The contradiction was too great and I knew that Villanova was not the place for me.n

Reviewed in 1990

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i love this !