Villanova University | Teen Ink

Villanova University MAG

By Anonymous

     Villanova, PA: Villanova has been ranked number one in its region by U.S. News and World Report for the fifteenth consecutive year, and I recently visited the campus. A Catholic college located just outside Philadelphia, I found the school to be great! Everyone there was very friendly and willing to answer questions. My group had a great tour with our guide Kira, and even though it was her first time leading a tour by herself, she did a very good job.

As we walked around the beautiful campus, Kira not only told us the things we needed to hear, she answered our questions and carried on a full conversation with each of us.

Everything on campus is within walking distance of everything else, but if you want or need it, a shuttle bus is available. The science labs are very nice, as are the rest of the buildings. The fact that as we walked people said hi and asked if we had any questions they could answer meant a lot to us. In fact, at one point, the mother of one student asked my mom if she had any questions that a parent should answer. I was very impressed with this campus, and their academic programs.

Reviewed in 2004

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i love this !