College Essay | Teen Ink

College Essay

December 16, 2013
By Dominic Salamone BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Dominic Salamone BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
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When I was little, I wanted to be just like my father. He has a family he loves, a job he enjoys, and friends to cheer on the Packers with. I look at what he has, and say “I want that”.

His adventure started in Milwaukee in 1983. He went to Madison for a year before deciding it wasn’t for him. So he transferred to Milwaukee where he could be closer to his family. His choice benefited him the rest of his life. He was the first of our family to attend and graduate college, even though he was the youngest of four children. Going to college was a big step for someone in my family, because before him, all the men either went into the military or worked for the city of Milwaukee. It was a big choice and but he stuck with it.

I can’t wait for college. I’m going to work hard and put everything on the table. I am determined to do anything to succeed. Going into High School I wasn’t sure what to expect, it was a new experience and it caught me off guard. But this is different. I’m ready for a new experience; I’m ready to take on a new challenge, and college will be that challenge.

Milwaukee is where he started his journey so that’s where I want to start mine. I want to be able to sit in the same place he sat 30 years ago. Between the family history we have there, and the change of pace Milwaukee can offer, I know it is the right place for me. Living in the city is an something I never got to experience living out in rural Wisconsin, but Milwaukee has everything I can imagine all within a few blocks of the campus. College is about new experiences and finding what you want to do with your life and Milwaukee is the best place for me.

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