Three National Holidays that Should Exist | Teen Ink

Three National Holidays that Should Exist

May 8, 2023
By arajvan6 BRONZE, Tempe, Arizona
arajvan6 BRONZE, Tempe, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I come forth with a proposal that will change the course of our history. A proposal so outrageous, so ridiculous, so preposterous, that it just might work. But before I unveil my proposal, let me ask you this: have you ever found yourself feeling down, tired, or just plain bored? Have you ever wished for a holiday that would make you laugh, relax, or forget your troubles for a while? Well, my friends, I have the solution. Introducing three national holidays that don't exist yet, but absolutely should:

National Pajama Day
That's right, folks. A day where we all get to stay in our pajamas and do absolutely
nothing. No work, no school, no responsibilities. Just pure, unadulterated relaxation. Imagine waking up on National Pajama Day, rolling out of bed and into your comfiest pair of PJs. You pour yourself a cup of coffee and settle into your favorite chair. You grab a good book or turn on your favorite show, and you don't move for the rest of the day. No emails, no texts, no meetings, no deadlines. Just you, your pajamas, and the blissful sound of silence.

National Doughnut Day
Who doesn't love a good doughnut? Soft, sweet, and oh-so-satisfying. And on National
Doughnut Day, we get to indulge to our heart's content. Picture this: you walk into your favorite doughnut shop and the smell of freshly baked pastries hits you like a warm embrace. You scan the shelves, trying to decide which flavor to try first. Do you go for the classic glazed, or something more adventurous like maple bacon or blueberry cheesecake? You grab a dozen (or two, or three) and head out into the sunshine. You share them with your friends, your family, or just keep them all to yourself. Because on National Doughnut Day, calories don't count.

National Nap Day
We all know that feeling. That mid-afternoon slump where our eyelids start to droop and
our heads start to nod. But on National Nap Day, we embrace that feeling with open arms. At 2 pm on National Nap Day, the entire country shuts down. Businesses close, schools empty out, and everyone heads home to take a nap. You crawl into bed, pull up the covers, and drift off into sweet, sweet slumber. And when you wake up, you feel refreshed, energized, and ready to take on the rest of the day. Now, I know what you're thinking. "But these holidays are ridiculous! They'll never catch on!" And you're probably right. But that's the beauty of it. These holidays areso absurd, so over-the-top, that they just might work. They'll bring a smile to our faces, a spring to our step, and a little bit of joy to our otherwise mundane lives. So let's make it happen, folks. Let's petition our helpers, our employers, and our school boards. Let's demand that these holidays become a reality. Because let's face it, life is too short to take ourselves too seriously. We need a little bit of silliness, a little bit of fun, and a little bit of whimsy in our lives.

The author's comments:

My name is Ajitesh Rajvanshi, and I’m a neuroscience major at ASU. This is a humour+proposal essay that I came up with for my English class. I hope you enjoy the read!

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