The Power of Humor in Relationships | Teen Ink

The Power of Humor in Relationships

April 23, 2023
By tylerknutsen BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
tylerknutsen BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The article “I'm Looking for Someone Who Isn't Too Serious” written by Alex Baia, is humorous and discusses how challenging it is for him to find a romantic partner who has the same sense of humor as he does. But there's a serious question lurking behind all of the lighthearted banter: how crucial is it for two people in a relationship to share the same sense of humor? I will argue in this essay that one of the most important components of a happy and healthy romantic relationship is having a sense of humor that both partners in the relationship possess because it can help both partners manage and overcome conflicts in a more positive and constructive way.

One of the best ways for a couple to get through challenging times together and create an environment that is positive and supportive is through shared laughter. According to a number of studies, humor is beneficial to one's physical and mental health because it helps reduce stress, strengthens the immune system, and generally makes people feel better. When two people start dating, it's helpful for them to have similar senses of humor so that they can get to know each other better.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that a person's sense of humor is the most important factor in romantic relationships. What may be humorous to one person could be considered offensive or inappropriate to another. It is possible for jokes that are intended to be funny to instead be perceived as cruel or hurtful if they are not told in the appropriate manner. 

To have a successful relationship based on humor, partners should talk about what they find funny and what they don't. They need to be willing to hear each other out and make compromises when they need to. By doing this, they can build a relationship based on laughter, love, and respect for each other. 

Let's be honest, dating can be hard. There are online dating profiles, awkward first dates, and the dreaded “ghosting,” which happens when someone you thought you had a connection with suddenly disappears. But what was the biggest problem of all? Finding someone who laughs at the same things you do. 

In his article, Alex Baia makes a funny point that there's nothing worse than a date who can't laugh at a joke. You say something funny, but they just look at you blankly, as if you had just spoken Klingon. Or, what's even worse, they agree with everything you say and start quoting Nietzsche. 

But why exactly is it so crucial for two people to share the same sense of humor? It is what enables you to make it through challenging times. Having a good time and sharing some laughs with your significant other is a great way to relieve some of the stresses of everyday life. A great deal of research has demonstrated that laughing is beneficial to one's health in a variety of different ways. It has been shown to reduce stress, strengthen the immune system, and even improve one's ability to remember things better. It is imperative that you surround yourself with people who can make you laugh if you desire to have a long and healthy life. Locating the optimal point of equilibrium is of the utmost importance. You don't want to be with someone who finds everything to be offensive, but at the same time, you also don't want to be with someone who thinks fart jokes are the funniest thing that has ever happened. If you are looking for a date and want to find someone to go out with, look for someone who isn't too serious about the relationship. Because, as Alex Baia puts it, “A life without laughter is like a phone without a charger: it might look nice, but it won't get you anywhere.”

The author's comments:

I am a freshman at ASU studying marketing. I wanted to share my writing with other students. I was inspired to write this essay because I think humor in my own relationships are very important. I hope people find this essay useful in their own relationships. 

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