Why i’m me. | Teen Ink

Why i’m me.

January 14, 2022
By Anonymous


      Growing up, I had many answers when I was asked what I wanted to do as a career. The jobs that always came to mind were a nurse, police officer, teacher, and others but I was not set on it just yet. Since the age of 12, I've always had a passion for creativity and being an entrepreneur. I had businesses that range from making homemade slime, bedazzled phone cases, inspiring makeup artist and nail technician, and many more. I felt nothing but joy with all my businesses I had and at that point, I had my mind made up on being an entrepreneur for my career.

      I was my happiest with school going good and all my businesses flourishing up until the summer of 2016. I noticed a huge development in my breast and It all happened so fast. By the time the school year started in September, they were out of control. Everyone my age wasn't this developed and it made me feel embarrassed and out of place. I started to hear comments on my appearance from groups I didn’t feel comfortable hearing from and I would feel disgusting.

      It became so overwhelming that I would hide with baggy clothing or wear two bras to make them appear smaller. I stopped dancing at my dance school and completely lost myself as I fell into a deep depression. Over the remainder of my middle school year and the beginning of my high school year, I struggled everyday trying to find myself. My attitude did a complete 180 in the worst way possible and I started to become careless with everything. With that being said, my grades started to slip, I started pushing the ones who cared for me away, I stopped doing the things I loved and abandoned my businesses. 

      For four years I felt like this and even had thoughts of not being here because I thought my life was ruined and I didn’t feel like myself anymore until one day my friend brought up breast reduction surgery during a normal conversation. She had been going through the same issues as me and at first I didn’t believe it but I started to do my research on it. I searched up doctors, requirements, healing process, before and after pictures, and even videos of the procedure. When I brought it to the attention of my mom, she was on board and supported me 100% because she can tell how bad I wanted this to happen. We got in contact with many different doctors and patients who had this procedure done. 

      With the help of my mom, We were able to find the perfect doctor to do my surgery. In November of 2020, I set my appointment for March 4, 2021 for my official surgery day. Prior to my appointment, I was able to meet everyone and I felt really safe and comfortable in the environment. Fast forward to the day of surgery, I was so nervous and excited at the same time. I had a great experience with my team and got to listen to my favorite artist on the way to sleep. 

      Once I woke up, I was drowsy but still so excited to see my results. Aftercare with the team was amazing and I loved my results and how easy the recovery process was going. I started to become myself again and everyone around me complimented me on how happy I was. To my team, It might just feel like another day at work but for me, they saved my life. From being depressed to happy again in a day. My journey inspired me to get into the medical field as a career. The medical field helped me out so much and for that, I would love to go on and help others with their struggles for the rest of my life. 

The author's comments:

This piece is very important to me because it shows me at my most lowest point in my life and how it all changed in a blink of an eye. 

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