5 Events | Teen Ink

5 Events

October 26, 2021
By Anonymous

Five events in my life that I am very proud of are how my hard work in life has paid off. One event in my life is in the baseball world. In my life I have spent more days out of the year revolving around baseball than not. To see the hard work I put in pay off in the form of an athletic scholarship that is going to help me pay for a very large portion of my college expenses. This made me feel a sense of accomplishment and happiness. Also it felt like all the weight on my shoulders fell off and just released all of my stresses.

Another time I have accomplished in my life with hard work is good grades. My dad didn’t grow up in the best of environments. His dad worked third shift at the railroad and his mom died when he was 12. He had pretty low expectations in school because no one was there to watch him. He knew that if he didn’t put his head down and stay focused to get good grades he would end up living the same life. This motivates me to work hard and get good grades because I know how fast something can spiral out of order and making sure that I can control it makes me happy in how I can set myself up for the future.I have learned that no matter the situation a person is in, if they put their head down and put in the work they can get good grades and that is something I like to pride myself on. Getting good grades makes me feel like I have accomplished something which makes me feel good and releases stress.

Another proud moment of my life is the fact that I have put myself in a position to be able to go to college and get a good education that I can use in the future to help me get a good job and have a successful life. This sits well with me because the fact that I am going to have an opportunity to have a higher education makes me feel good about myself.

One of the biggest parts of my life that I am very proud of is that I have an amazing good relationship with my family. With my sisters leaving for college and moving around the country I have remained close with them and we all still have good relationships with each other and with our parents.

Lastly, I am very proud of how I have been able to find a good group of friends where we all have the same interests and we all look out for each other and keep each other out of trouble. We all have a bond that I believe will last a lifetime.

In just these short five moments I can see all the hard work I have done in my life. Looking back at the experiences I have had that have helped me further my lessons of hard work and how it has helped me in the future.

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