March 7, 2021
By Anonymous

A woman is a powerful and creative force who can take up multiple roles during her lifetime and at the same time balance herself and her life. Every woman is capable of achieving everything that the world has to offer. She can be a mother, a friend, a motivator, a daughter, a leader, a soulmate, a sister and a lot more.

Personalities such as Mother Teresa, Margeret Brent, Sarojini Naidu, Kalpana Chawla, Roshini Sharma, Shila Dawre, Arunima Sinha, Hannah Adams, Kiran Bedi, Laxmi Lakra, Anjali Gupta, Fathima Beevi, Durga Banerjee, etc represent various successful traits of being a woman. A woman faces tonnes of criticism during her entire lifetime and they achieved in a world where it was really rare for a woman to scale great heights.

Everyone has an aspiration as to how they must be in the future. Everyone wants to be perfect. We want to acquire the qualities of the persons we admire and thus represent ourselves as the culmination of good thoughts and character. But being a woman in itself is a challenge. There is not a single woman in the world who hasn’t faced any challenges or struggles. It is the way we overcome our hurdles that makes us who we are.

I aspire to be….

A woman who can be gentle around the ones she loves and assertive when she needs to be. Who can support herself emotionally and support others in need. One who can tackle any pain and emerge as a phoenix whenever she is knocked down to the ground. A woman who is empathetic and soft hearted and at the same time determined to achieve her goals. One who helps others find their solutions and peace. A woman who is honest and loyal to her word and people. One who sees the positive aspect in any situation and has it under her control. One who can be fun to be around and makes others around her genuinely happy. One who has true knowledge and is humble. A woman who is brave and strong willed and strives hard until the end. A woman who can prove ‘she can’ to the people who told her ‘she could not’. A woman who is talented in various fields. A woman who can emerge out of the cruelty of assault, social stigma, discrimination, negativity, etc. One who can sustain herself and her family. A woman who has a beautiful soul and character. A woman who does not let anyone tarnish her self-respect and dignity under any circumstance. One who can defend herself in a subtle way. A woman who can show compassion to every being in this world. A woman who can love herself for whom she has blossomed into. A woman who can motivate and support others when they are at their lowest. A woman who can transform her weaknesses into strengths. A woman who can be confident about her physique and appearance without caring about other’s opinion. A woman who can rock any style of outfit and maintain her standards. A woman who is driven by cause and maintains her integrity. A woman who is a great listener. A woman who is financially independent. A woman with class and authority. A woman who is passionate and has faith in herself at all times. One who is energetic and resilient. A woman who proves to everyone that she is worth it. A woman who can tackle her fears and be true to herself. A woman who does not dwell in the past and rather prepares herself for the future and lives her present to the fullest. A woman who is forgiving. A woman who is loved by all.

I aspire….to be the woman others aspire to become….

The author's comments:

Everyone aspires to be someone they idolize....A perfect combination of every positive aspect....

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