Objects through senses | Teen Ink

Objects through senses

December 10, 2019
By Jsimpson_8 BRONZE, Woburn, Massachusetts
Jsimpson_8 BRONZE, Woburn, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A microwave is technically a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from about one to one millimeter; with frequencies between, but what really is a microwave? A microwave is where I heat up heaven that everyone in the world loves; food. A black microwave with the white lettering company name of “RIVAL”. Also having grey buttons on the right-hand side, and a digital clock with green numbers. Inside when you open the door is white and a clear plate. It smells sweet inside, like popcorn and lollipops were put in a bowl together, heated up, and melted together. The microwave was my stepbrother’s three years ago when he was in college too, and now the microwave legacy will be passed town to me. After me, this microwave may be passed down to my brother who is now a sophomore in high school. The microwave is on top of my black fridge that has all my drinks inside. The fridge is also my friend, and the cousin of the microwave. On top of this microwave is only a water bottle and a plate, not able to put anything in the microwave, because I need to go to the grocery store. It is also very dusty on top, because it hasn’t been touched since we’ve been moved into here. It’s like a microwave could be alive, and it doesn’t get hungry if no food has been heated up inside for a long time. Microwaves are like a friend of mine, because I feed it then it feeds me. The microwave weighs about 30 pounds and is decently light for the look of how big it is. Today is a big day as I finally get the chance to get food to heat up for my microwave and then for me. The microwave has not been touched in about two or three weeks. Being forced to go down to the dining hall when you really don’t want to is not fun. That is when the microwave and even the fridge become your ultimate good friends. Also, if you were in actual danger and freezing, you could use a microwave as a warming tool to save your own life. Thanks to the microwave, it could possibly have more than just one use to the world, instead of only heating up food. The microwave can also be used to disinfect kitchen items, also saving your life once again. The top eight uses for a microwave are: reheating food, cooking in general, disinfect kitchen items as I already said, making citrus fruits juicier, heating beauty products, roasting garlic, de-crystallising honey, and proofing yeast. A microwave is a very versatile kitchen appliance offers a whole range of uses. 
I am very comfortable in my first college dorm. I live in Marsh Hall on floor five. My room smells like febreeze and glade air freshener. We get a “nice” view of the parking lot behind Marsh. During most of the day, the sun is facing my room so it is very bright, which I enjoy. At sunset, the sun is straight ahead out my window and is an awesome sight. My room is very basic, but I have never seen any other college dorm here look the same as mine. I have my bed to the left as soon as you walk in. In front of my bed, I have the two desk drawers that were given to us in the dorms, which are stacked on top of each other. On top of those is my tv which is right in front of my bed, so I can see clearly. After that is my desk where I do all of my school-work. To save the best for last, is the fridge, microwave and snacks. My roommate and I have multiple hockey jerseys hanging around the room, as well as posters. There are a total of six jerseys, two bruins banners and five other posters. For some reason I feel like my room is longer than others, but I think that is because, I have nothing against my wall at the end of the room. I think my three-inch mattress here at school could be better than my mattress at home. The halls are usually quiet on floor five, but recently there have been things getting destroyed like exit signs and boards. I do not hear people break things, but every person in the building has to pay at least $100, and if it doesn’t stop the number will rise. My room is mostly the chill spot for when my friends and I watch movies. I think next year will be a much better living space, because I know who my friends are that I want to live with. We would like to live in a six-person apartment on campus or off campus. If anyone walks into the room, music will most likely be playing. Our room is clean, as we always pick up after ourselves. We also watch a lot of hockey in our room like the NHL and especially the Bruins. We watch at least one NHL game a night. When you walk in, the room is usually freezing because, we always have our fans on and the windows open at night. We then always wake up the next morning shivering and begging to close the window. Outside our room is a lounge, which has a big, clear window that stands over the actual marsh that is behind the building, which Marsh Hall takes it’s name after. Before coming to Salem, I was not expecting the living space to be this comfortable. Now that it is, It helps me focus on college and I do what I need to get done. 

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