A slice of thought | Teen Ink

A slice of thought

November 4, 2018
By tracytez_ SILVER, -, Other
tracytez_ SILVER, -, Other
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Can you remember who you were before the world telling you whom you should be?

We all get so caught up between our chase for ‘perfectionism’ that we often ignore to embrace
those elements that lay the basis of our personality. Do you act differently towards those who
have already reached some pinnacle in their lives and those who are still struggling with their
daily dilemmas? Do you act in the same way towards all your friends including the ‘dullard’ of
your class?
We all struggle to evolve into the 'best version of oneself’ compared to others rather than
exploring our true version. The indifference that we show to different people be the best
example for how we struggle between acquainting people with our best version and true
Your true version is better than your best version. Can anything be better than ‘being the best’?
It's a paradox and clearly, putting forward your true version is superior to everything else.
On the bright side, metamorphosing into the best version of yourself may help in embarking a
revised chapter in your life, leaving behind grey souvenirs. But how long? Its imperative to forget
our past, but completely ignoring our true version will begin to haunt us in our dreams and
torment us in our reverie.
It is not that you must not try to change or put forward the best of your abilities. The whole idea
lies behind exploring your true version and evolving into the best form of your true version.
Rather than endeavoring to carve out a whole new you, your chase must be for embracing your
imperfections and hence to learn the art of wabi-sabi. Then you will have a firm foundation
where you can always rely upon,a true version of yourself which need not be changed.
After exploring your true version, you will endear pure love,faith and friendship.The day you start
practicing your true personality, shedding your disguised versions, you will start to breathe true
relationships,beaming friendships and satisfaction that will earn you a million brownie points.
Be the true version to every faction of society,your parents and above all to yourself.Acquaint
everyone with a uniform version,which can only be a slice of your true version.
Your mind and soul are in constant company with the world and relishing your true version will
be hard.Yet true,endured efforts and constant manoeuvres to keep it alive will fetch you the
biggest gift that you can ever provide yourself.That is exploring who you really are, what your
unbiased voice should speak, where your head and heart intersects at its constant battle and to
celebrate every crossroad you choose.
Be the true version of yourself to all rather than being the best to a few.

The author's comments:

Hey I am Tracy, a benign hearted meraki.I hail from land of precipitous slopes and aesthetism bound valleys laden across 'gods own country',Kerala. Having unquenchable passion towards writing here I am through the power of words and God Almighty.

This is an article of utmost interest and point.This is a slice of thought underlining the importance of 'being your true version to all rather being yout best to a few'.Happy Reading.

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