Product Article | Teen Ink

Product Article

December 6, 2022
By Anonymous

When developing product promotions, marketers look for ways to capture consumers’ attention in a sea of competition. Marketers have long used science claims to sell consumer products ranging from shampoo to sound systems. {Scientific claims can backfire} In a decade sustainable production will eradicate poverty and hunger, guaranteeing a healthy life. Access to basic services such as water, sanitation and sustainable energy. Ways you can make production more sustainable; Manufacturing: Introducing new technology is a way to increase energy efficiency and reduce waste., Packing: Adopting a sustainable sourcing method will not only help reduce operating costs but will also help capture a larger market share base., Transportation: Sourcing locally can minimize transportation distances., Use & Disposal: Making the product multi-use. Showcasing the various uses with your packaging can push consumers to purchase your product over competitors. 

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