Ethan's Vacation Stories | Teen Ink

Ethan's Vacation Stories

January 31, 2022
By EthanKeiter05 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
EthanKeiter05 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There have been so many times that we have been on vacation like Florida, and we see some bizarre things. One time in Florida we saw alligators right beside the pond and we got really close to it which is a bad idea not to do it. In Clearwater we saw a manatee swimming around and these old ladies thought it was a shark, but we went up to it and started touching it and it was nice. In Daytona Beach we were in a condominium looking down at the ocean and there were people swimming right beside stingrays and they did not even know it. In Panama City Beach we were swimming when there was a yellow flag, and the waves were rough. We did not even know it, but we got out far and we tried to swim closer to shore but we kept getting sucked out and we were yelling for help, but people did not hear, and I have no clue what the coast guard was doing but we got back using a riptide technique to get out of it and we safely got to shore. When we go camping, I am either always riding my bike with the friends I make there or kayaking and fishing. Every time we go, we make smores, which is the best part of camping except for seeing wildlife and the quietness there. Going on vacation is one of my favorite things to do because you get to see things that you may not have seen before, and you can get out of the house and explore. In Kentucky, there is a gigantic cave that goes far underground, and it is called Mammoth Cave. It is nice down there and it feels great when it is hot outside. When we go to Tennessee and rent a cabin there it is always big, which is genuinely nice but there is a lot of money to pay for, like at least two thousand for three nights. One of the best parts of renting a cabin is the hot tub that comes with it and the pool table. The hot tub is so relaxing, and it helps your muscles relax but after you get out of the hot tub it is so cold. Usually when we get to a cabin that has a pool table me and my brother play it for at least two hours. We had gotten a cabin before and when we had arrived at the cabin after getting food, we grabbed groceries and saw two cubs and a momma bear. My brother almost fell and screamed so the bear started chasing after us, which was scary, and it almost had my dad's hand, but they took a piece of fudge that slipped and fell onto the ground. I guess the good thing that came out of this whole experience is I had gotten really close to a bear and got to see it up close in its natural habitat. We used to go to this place in Gatlinburg that had bears in an enclosed sanctuary, but it is not as cool because they are always asleep or just sitting there. It's overall just a big waste of money and time. When we were in Florida, we had taken our jeep down there and it was raining so badly. It was muddy and slick, but jeeps are made for rough terrain, so we went in the trail and halfway down we had hit a huge spider and I think it crawled through the hood. After we finished the trail, we went to the rest stop and found the spider sitting on the vent. Our truck would easily go through the trail, we would not need four-wheel drive because of the tires and the horsepower. Our truck is very heavy, so it probably would’ve sunk. In Daytona Beach you're allowed to drive in the sand only if you have a four-wheel drive so of course we took our truck and drove it in the sand. Everybody was getting stuck and there were so many jeeps out there too, but it started to rain so everybody was leaving and sliding all over in the sand. That's what's good about having big tires but it gets really annoying when you're on the highway and you feel the truck shaking and the tires humming. Two years ago we had bought a new camper and we wanted to bring it down to Florida, so we did and the site we got at the KOA was amazing, it was so nice so we stayed there for a week. They were still working on the campground, they were extending it into the woods but they didn’t really bother any of the campers. When we were heading down there we stopped at tennessee for 3 days and that was really nice because there were so many people riding bikes and doing things so it made it really fun. There was a huge playground and almost everybody was there.

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