A letter to my younger self | Teen Ink

A letter to my younger self

January 4, 2022
By Lisa-Mary-Paul PLATINUM, Copenhagen, Other
Lisa-Mary-Paul PLATINUM, Copenhagen, Other
47 articles 31 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
BeYOUtiful ✨

Hi Lisa,

 I just want you to know that you have great potential,and one day you will learn to trust yourself and take action--right now I know you lack confidence and you feel worthless,but with time you will realise that you have an unimaginable amount of talent and service to do for the world. All you need to do is believe in who you are and work hard. What's your ambition? How will you achieve it? How are you going to take action? Start by answering these questions,and already you'll feel a sense of direction in your life.

 You need to be yourself,it doesn't matter who you're with--because the way you act reflects who you are (regardless of who is around you),just trust in yourself,there is a plan for you. Lastly,have fun,in many years time you will need to be working very hard for your exams,extracurriculars etc..so enjoy your time when it's bountiful! Be kind to the poeple around you,even if they don't do the same to you...because the way they treat you doesn't define who you are.

Love and joy always,


The author's comments:

My younger self was the most insecure i've probably ever been,if somebody around that age reads this and can relate,let me know in the comments. Remember to look after yourself! :)

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on Feb. 3 2022 at 11:46 am
Lisa-Mary-Paul PLATINUM, Copenhagen, Other
47 articles 31 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
BeYOUtiful ✨

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