my name | Teen Ink

my name

October 4, 2020
By bellaboyd22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
bellaboyd22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name has no story. 

My mom picked it because she thought it was heavenly. It’s sweet and gentle. It feels like a quiet coffee shop in the middle of a Wednesday afternoon. serene. Like a cool day. not too windy and not too sunny. Aesthetic and calm. 

It reminds me of where my great grandmother is from. England. She has the sweetest soul, even at the age of 90. She insists that it’s biscuits not cookies. ice lolly not popsicle. hearing my name bounce off her lips will forever be my favorite thing. 

My name means devoted to god. But my family and I are not regular church goers. we haven’t gone in about 5 years. That sounds terrible, I know. But we've been through some pretty tough times. How could someone who’s supposed to be loving do such things? 

Isabella. Not Isabelle. Not Izzy. Bella is preferred. And since my name originated from England, I feel like I’ll always have a piece of my grandma in me. And although I might not go to church every Sunday, I’m connected to God no matter what. 

I guess my name does have a story. Just not the one I thought it did. 


Isabella is calm. But Bella is the opposite. More anxiety filled. A perfectionist. but also strong. bright. Big hearted. Bubbly and fun. Isabella is quiet. Sometimes an introvert. Sometimes an extrovert. Serene. Peaceful and untouched. some people bring out the good. some bring out the bad. 

Isabella can be too proper and harsh at times. But it is a strong, beautiful and loving version of myself. She knows what she wants. How to achieve her greatest goals. My name brings out the strength in me. Tells me to keep going. She is me in every single way.

The author's comments:

this piece was made to copy a writing style of short, chopy, personal sentences. 

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