Why Gym Classes Must Be Required in Schools | Teen Ink

Why Gym Classes Must Be Required in Schools

November 20, 2019
By jscheibeler BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
jscheibeler BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Across school platforms, from one district to another common question lingers around the halls during passing period. Being a high schooler I constantly hear the fuss about having to dress out and go to gym class.  Students love to complain and the question that lingers; Why do I have to take a gym class in order to graduate? 

There is zero words that could be said on the opposing side of this argument that would get me to change my mind. GYM CLASSES MUST BE REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS!!

Everyday students dress out at Horizon High School to head to a gym class. Whether it be Racket Sports, Team Sports, Intro to Fitness, ect. Each class is there for a specific and important reason. Not only do students get to be introduced to new sports and new curriculum each day, they also get the chance to be physically active. 

This daily exercise is essential to a child’s development. Even if it was only an hour a day, the movement and social interaction of gym class is necessary. Everyone deserves the opportunity to know how to create and live a healthy and happy lifestyle. Skills taught in gym from stretching to playing will create developmental paths through the brain that one can use for their entire life. 

Afterall, who doesn’t want a good looking, muscular, and thin appearance?

Unfortunately though, with gym classes being offered still ⅓ of every American is considered obese. And out of that 36.4%, every one and six children are obese. Ranking 7th on the all time cause of deaths in the US, diabetes is a serious and deadly condition. 

If physical education is stripped from the schooling systems then these numbers will cease to fall. With little knowledge and no instruction, how will Americans overcome obesity? Gym class may be a drag but it is a small price to pay for the knowledge you receive.  

Gym class isn’t always just some mandatory activity related class. It’s simply physical education. If children never learn about nutritional based diets and exercises for lifelong physical fitness, then how will their futures be enjoyable?

Through physical education classes children can tap into competitive nature and see if they want to pursue playing sports outside of school.

Being an athlete myself, gym class is always a gift because it allows me to show my classmates who I am as a learner. While some kids are more gifted in a traditional classroom setting, I tend to thrive on a court or field. I find physical education exciting because I can show my talent and even work on getting better for extracurricular sporting activities. 

Alongside me, nearly 45 million other kids participate in some type of organized sport. 75% of that 45 million have stated that  they do in fact enjoy the gym classes their schools have to offer. I believe that based off these numbers it is outrageous that there are many other educational subjects and physical education is the on that is on the edge of being booted.

A large cause of this being economic and financial standpoints. 

According to a 2016 study, only a mere $764 get put into PE funding per school, per year. Only $764! If schools were to receive more funding for gym classes then more classes with wider genres of PE could be offered. PE isn't always the physical movement. Many majors in college involve sports medication and/or sports sciences. 

These professions offer large salaries and the kids who are more interested in Physical Education can pursue to take these classes and get good grades.

This leads to bad grades. Off task learning. Distractions to the classroom. Or plain disrespect for the teachers that worked so hard to teach these classes. It has been proven that gym classes and the discipline that come with, lower drug use, crime rates, and absence from school. 

If the outcome does just so happen to result in the cancellation of physical education across the board, then our children and their future children may be in serious trouble.

Putting a stop to required gym is a critically bad idea. There is no doubt that gym class should be required in schools. It has the ability to improve a child's self-esteem and self-worth. It gives children the opportunity to have goals and meet them with positive encouragement and hard work.

Who wouldn’t want their child to live a long, happy, healthy life?


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